Just remind me again

…what is the meaning of those coloured lights you sometimes see flashing at the roadside?
Do you still have to know that to get your driving licence or have they dropped this too?

Earlier today I caught up with a green Ford Ka, approaching junction with traffic lights, red light on together with green left arrow, I wanted to turn left so I turned on my left indicator and so did the Ka in front of me, as we got closer, green arrow went off, amber went on and subsequently green light was on… and the ford stopped! So did I and flashed at him/her - nothing. Short tooot - his/her hands in the air showing something towards the lights. I could only see green one on and thought we were OK to move so gave him/her a proper toooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooot, but that only increased frequency of hand gestures. Amber, red…waiting… green arrow - off we go! Hooray!

I have seen various morons and non-drivers at the wheel, but this one goes right to the top of the chart!

I like the ones that stop halfway across a junction due to the red light, you know when there’s a pedestrian crossing built in.

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You know the type, coming from the bottom, go through lights, then sit at the - - - - line waiting for green light, sometimes they stop there after turning from 1 of the side streets, see the red light and stop :unamused:

One day I was in left lane going straight on, some aul doll in front going straight on and just as we’re comming to the lights the RIGHT had went to red but left and straight on were green as per pic below but she just threw out the anchor in a panic at the red light and gave all sorts of hand signals when I gave a blast of the horn.

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Ford Ka explains it all.

The lights at Shaw Lane/Otley Road in Leeds see so many offenders that the W Yorks fuzz would generate so much money from them they’d be able to do away with speed cameras for the entire county.

Street view clicky

There’s 2 lanes (no direction arrow markings for either) and there is a straight on ‘filter’ :open_mouth: . I doubt there’s a set of lights anywhere else in the country like them. What happens is the lights stay red but the straight on filter arrow lights up for around 10 seconds before the main lights change to green. Obviously this means that any traffic turning left or right has to wait until the main set changes, but I’ve yet to see anyone going in those directions do so! The reason for this seemingly odd traffic light arrangement is because during the time the straight on filter light is on, the pedestrian crossings across the roads to the left and right are on green :open_mouth: . There have been so many close shaves with vehicles turning as people are crossing that I’m surprised no-one has been killed or at least seriously injured.

Rob K:
The lights at Shaw Lane/Otley Road in Leeds see so many offenders that the W Yorks fuzz would generate so much money from them they’d be able to do away with speed cameras for the entire county.

Street view clicky

There’s 2 lanes (no direction arrow markings for either) and there is a straight on ‘filter’ :open_mouth: . I doubt there’s a set of lights anywhere else in the country like them. What happens is the lights stay red but the straight on filter arrow lights up for around 10 seconds before the main lights change to green. Obviously this means that any traffic turning left or right has to wait until the main set changes, but I’ve yet to see anyone going in those directions do so! The reason for this seemingly odd traffic light arrangement is because during the time the straight on filter light is on, the pedestrian crossings across the roads to the left and right are on green :open_mouth: . There have been so many close shaves with vehicles turning as people are crossing that I’m surprised no-one has been killed or at least seriously injured.

Seems straight forward enough if one looks at what the lights are telling them what to do. Alot going on though.