Just passed Class2. Insurance Q

Hi all,
I passed my Class 2 a couple of weeks ago with two minors but am struggling to get a start with anyone. The reason given always seems to be “You must have two years experience for the insurance,” is this correct, and how do you get around it, without changing CV to show that you worked for a small familly firm ten years ago that has now gone bust and you let you’re licence lapse (if you see what I mean).
Anyway I’ve picked up a couple of tips on here so I’ll give them a try, in the meantime if anyone has any advice or knows of a job in the Preston/Blackpool feel free to contact me.


Best bet is agency work to get some hours under yr belt . Seems to be the way about it for new drivers. Backline take new drivers on but the work ain’t great. You have to do what experienced drivers won’t do. Everyone has to Stuart somewhere