Just clutching at straws......but

Useful research and advice there …Keith…good man. :wink:

Likewise, very very close to my heart my Mother died from an epileptic seziure, many years ago, it really depends on what type of epilepsy you suffer grand etc.

I think they can test for epilesy now as we all know different things trigger fits in different ways to sufferers, causes a storm within teh brain and it has to reset … i would recommend you see your GP and ask for a referal for your fits the Barts hospital have good nuero surgeons/doctors.

Im under the barts neurosurgery team already pal. To be honest they are not that clued up on the dvla medical standards and I seem to be doing all the research for them and telling them what they need to do. Same goes with the dvla every time I phone the medical standards branch I seem to get a different answer. So thats why I turned to trucknet for an answer, Which has been helpfull. Thanks.

Im under the barts neurosurgery team already pal. To be honest they are not that clued up on the dvla medical standards and I seem to be doing all the research for them and telling them what they need to do. Same goes with the dvla every time I phone the medical standards branch I seem to get a different answer. So thats why I turned to trucknet for an answer, Which has been helpfull. Thanks.

I prob worded my quote wrong, what I mean is BARTS have the best there rather than going to say north mid hospital whipps X etc well they are under barts now but they are the people who know about fits and can help I agree that it is the indiviual who has to do all the leg work, jsut hope the OP is successful in obtaining a LGV provided her is fit free …