Just an idea......A Backload forum

Surely there are enough OD’s and company owners to have a backload section ?

And if the load goes a small donation to TNUK.

Yep I know its old hat , and I have no idea if you have done it before but it just came into my tiny mind as an idea .

3 wheeler:
Surely there are enough OD’s and company owners to have a backload section ?

And if the load goes a small donation to TNUK.

Yep I know its old hat , and I have no idea if you have done it before but it just came into my tiny mind as an idea .

Aside from any official response you may or may not get,i’d guess most guys here are employees. I’m aware that there are OD’s here too. I think you’ll find there’s already a lot of sites offering backloads out there already . I’d say use them, there’s probably loads of implications (for the site) legally that makes it a no go.

I can’t find the thread now but not that long someone asked if anyone knew of any return loads from Cornwall. The answer they got was multiple pages of bickering about whether they should be buying flat or curtainside trailers.