Junction 40 M1

WHy the hell did they biuld this junction and then they dont use it?

Anyone know?

They do
5minutesaway.co.uk/motorway/ … Junction40Â M1

but its closed off and has been for years :exclamation:

That’s not Junction 40. Jn 41 is Morrison, Wakefield. Jn 42 is the M62. Jn 43 is Arla Foods (I think). I think you are referring to the junction beyond that.

Social and economic trends change. As do priorities regarding road safety. If you go anti-clockwise, M60/M62, on the right hand bend, you will see a barriered off slip road back onto the M60.

Thats the one

Now i am lost

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they were wanting the companys at crossgreen to pay for the road widening to cross green industrial est
when i was at macs 4 years ago they reakoned the link would be open by 2004.
how wrong they were

well researched ron thanks very much