Journalist looking for a driver to interview

Re reading the original mail and looking at his interest in “LONG HOURS”, I think this will be a demolition job along the lines of “This driver has been working 14 hours do you feel safe with him on the road”. Avoid.

Blunder Man:
Re reading the original mail and looking at his interest in “LONG HOURS”, I think this will be a demolition job along the lines of “This driver has been working 14 hours do you feel safe with him on the road”. Avoid.

you think they would conveniently leave out the fact that he got 6 hours sleep in an RDC during those 14 hours? surely not :laughing:

Hello all, I’m a journalist for a (British) newspaper and I’ve been in touch with Rikki, who kindly said I could post here. I’m doing a piece about people working long hours and I’m looking at lots of different professions - doctors, nurses, desk-bound office workers - but I’d really like to include a truck driver as well. The piece is about employers taking advantage of people’s willingness to work harder than ever in the economic downturn, perhaps over fear of redundancy and whether people feel under more pressure to put the hours in. I am looking for a driver who is working particularly long hours, to talk about the effect on his or her life at the moment. I would like to do a short interview (should be no more than 10 mins on the phone). Ideally, we would like to name and photograph you, but it can also be done anonymously if need be.

If you are interested in taking part, please feel free to contact me for more information. You can email me at Thanks.

How to you photograph by Phone?

i’ll do it, on the condition that you keep my true identity out of it. otherwise they’ll be after me.
i don’t think 10 minutes will be long enough.
i like my job but the regulations are one big [zb] up.

Could be a Spy,or you are Life on radio,or worst,it’s Jeremy Clarkson for next Top Gear Show :smiley:


Hello all, I’m a journalist for a (British) newspaper and I’ve been in touch with Rikki, who kindly said I could post here. I’m doing a piece about people working long hours and I’m looking at lots of different professions - doctors, nurses, desk-bound office workers - but I’d really like to include a truck driver as well. The piece is about employers taking advantage of people’s willingness to work harder than ever in the economic downturn, perhaps over fear of redundancy and whether people feel under more pressure to put the hours in. I am looking for a driver who is working particularly long hours, to talk about the effect on his or her life at the moment. I would like to do a short interview (should be no more than 10 mins on the phone). Ideally, we would like to name and photograph you, but it can also be done anonymously if need be.

If you are interested in taking part, please feel free to contact me for more information. You can email me at Thanks.

How to you photograph by Phone?

And why do you use a hotmail account ■■?

JournalistUK, which newspaper are you doing this piece for? You might get a more positive response if you say who you are and who you represent :confused:


‘…I’d really like to include a truck driver as well. The piece is about employers taking advantage of people’s willingness to work harder than ever in the economic downturn, perhaps over fear of redundancy and whether people feel under more pressure to put the hours in … Thanks…’

It may be fair to suggest that drivers generally:

Don’t feel very cohesive as a whole - perhaps through missing any benefit from unionisation available in the old days [before my time]. Succinctly, we’ve been divided and conquered and don’t expect to thrive too well within the squalid mire of a supposedly rosy image of ‘political diversity’.

Feel let down by being socially outcast: Let’s be honest, the words ‘drivers facilities’ hardly spells the impart of luxury.

Receive the worst aspects of treatment as required by employers having to apply European directives.

Align themselves with a bulldog spirit: British drivers pragmatically might not expect the British media to do them any favours since most in 2009 is pro-European - unless it’s for a ■■■■■■■ bird/driver combination for a page three photo shoot, etc.

Are paid less in real terms than they were 5-10 years ago.

Typically represent honest but disillusioned workers within the politically exploited and thus sceptically driven downfall of this nation.

Would be amongst the first to wish you best of luck with your work - but would walk over broken glass to help the truly needy…

Are cantankerous as a result of one or a combination of the above.

Nice to see the OP has returned and posted some replies… :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

Hes probably already got his story edited from all the postings on this topic. :unamused:

we would like to name and photograph you, but it can also be done anonymously if need be.

Sounds like he is from the Daily/Sunday Sport

she’s from “RAZZLE”. :laughing:


we would like to name and photograph you, but it can also be done anonymously if need be.

Sounds like he is from the Daily/Sunday Sport

he’s from “RAZZLE”. :laughing:

In that case, JournoUK will only be interested in our ‘gentler( :question: )’ colleagues.
Lucy, Kate, Lindsey, Jen or Grumpybum for example :question: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

JournalistUK, which newspaper are you doing this piece for? You might get a more positive response if you say who you are and who you represent :confused:


It’s The Guardian, as was hinted at further up the thread, or as they might say The Guradian. :wink:

Does that mean they will want to see the drivers expenses :question: :wink: :laughing:

Does that mean they will want to see the drivers expenses :question: :wink: :laughing:

No, that would be The Telegraph ROG. :stuck_out_tongue:



GASP SHOCK HORROR :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
So much for what they want to do .
Yet another load of BULL from a wannabe pen jocky

‘…It’s The Guardian, or as they might say The Guradian…’

Or even Grauniad.

well, she phoned me up, we had a chat, and she’s going to send me the script.
nice bird by the sounds of her. :laughing:

well, she phoned me up, we had a chat, and she’s going to send me the script.
nice bird by the sounds of her. :laughing:

She■■? Watch out Phil, it’s Beverly Bell coming after you. :wink: