John Scantune

Does anyone know if John is still trading, as I cant get hold of him, and I know that a few lads haven’t been able to contact him either.


i was talking to Globby480 the other week, and he said that John has packed in doing the remaps

Great, i was hoping to use his services next month.

I heard he was at Simon wooly backs at the min in Ashbourne .

John is having a bit of a break spending time at home / holidays and generally chilling out he may start his super services later this year again. But he is a little un decided as to whether he wants to be racing round the country again :wink:

Cheers for the info fella’s, has anyone got his number, or can pass mine on to him, as ive got one of his lightbars that I need to get to him.

Ring and ask Simon, he’ll probably be able to help you out.