Hi all my dad the late Tony Dawe worked for jones’s (stockport) for donkeys years, i am looking for some photographs on the jobs they done which he may be in, he died on the 12 july 1997 and was working on a bypass in Leeds at the time, before that hes was on a bypass in kent which i worked on with him during my school holidays (no such thing as a holiday in my dads eyes!!).
if you do have some pics i would really appreciate it if you could share them with me.
I used to drive the low loader for JJ’s,taking plant all over the country back in early 1970’s running out of Newby Road Hazel Grove,before Norwest Holst took them over,cant say I remember your Dad though,hard days they were,they expected,and got their pound of flesh in those days,your Dad would have known ■■■■ Gunshon,or “Dipstick ■■■■” as he was affectionately known,[he used to turn up on a site during the dinner break,and check all the plant for correct oil levels,if you were low,God help you,especially the twin engined Caterpillar Scrapers,2 engines,2 dip sticks!!]
Thanks, his next in line manager was Mr Gibbons who had a son Chris Gibbons, my dad started as a dozer driver around the 70’s, a peter hanlan and frank shaleylee also spring to mind
A R Dawe:
Thanks, his next in line manager was Mr Gibbons who had a son Chris Gibbons, my dad started as a dozer driver around the 70’s, a peter hanlan and frank shaleylee
Yes I remember Gibbons,forget his first name,he lived in Middlewhich,he was 1 of the Contracts Manager IIRC.
John Jones also used his brother Stan Jones,who drove a pale blue XJ6 as a Contracts Manager,bit of a spare part if you know what I mean!!
Hiya…when i was at Jenning (body builders)Sandbach in 1968 ish , JJ had about 6 new maggi Dutz
6 legger dump trucks, we welded the name plate on the scowend above the cabs. the trucks was
sprayed up in the blue and silver livery. god knows how much the paint job was as jennings never
did a cheap job. their,s a photo of a jj maggi somewhere on TN i saw it about 6 months ago.
i,ll go and see if i can find it now.
kevin sounds right, i always liked the silver and blue livery, looked really good, i can always can remember the old man arriving home in a silver land rover and as a kid it was awesome!, especially when he was on a project close to home, on weekends we had a play on the machines!!
I remember when JJ Exc done the muckshifting on the Stepps Bypass nr Glasgow the big Irish GF stopped to give a dozer driver a bollocking and forgot to put the handbrake on the Land Rover and it rolled down the banking and overturned,they pulled it back up on its feet and it wouldn’t start and the windows were broken,it was still like that 3 months later no windows and was using a screwdriver to bridge the starter every morning and just left it running for the shift.
A R Dawe:
kevin sounds right, i always liked the silver and blue livery, looked really good, i can always can remember the old man arriving home in a silver land rover and as a kid it was awesome!, especially when he was on a project close to home, on weekends we had a play on the machines!!
Hiya…when i was at Jenning (body builders)Sandbach in 1968 ish , JJ had about 6 new maggi Dutz
6 legger dump trucks, we welded the name plate on the scowend above the cabs. the trucks was
sprayed up in the blue and silver livery. god knows how much the paint job was as jennings never
did a cheap job. their,s a photo of a jj maggi somewhere on TN i saw it about 6 months ago.
i,ll go and see if i can find it now.
I was low loader driver for JJ until an old hand previously worked with John Jones came along wanting a job,I got moved sideways off the Low Loader onto a Maggie,bloody aweful things,pulled well,I remember getting well stuck in the mud whilst moving the earth when they were building the Mancunian Way in Manchester,needed Ray on the JCB to push/pull me out,only for him to get bogged down when a track came off,the fitters were well pleased!!!
I used to drive the low loader for JJ’s,taking plant all over the country back in early 1970’s running out of Newby Road Hazel Grove,before Norwest Holst took them over,cant say I remember your Dad though,hard days they were,they expected,and got their pound of flesh in those days,your Dad would have known ■■■■ Gunshon,or “Dipstick ■■■■” as he was affectionately known,[he used to turn up on a site during the dinner break,and check all the plant for correct oil levels,if you were low,God help you,especially the twin engined Caterpillar Scrapers,2 engines,2 dip sticks!!]
You’ll more than likely remember my dad though, Frank Sandbach, worked for JJ’s when it was called Excavation Haulage. You may even remember me as a 16 year old so called
apprentice fitter working with Kevin Burke at Michael Duffy’s, Poynton. Frank ended up working for Peter Casey before retiring in 1998. I drove Artics for the best part of 20 years
before going into the plumbing and heating industry.