Jobs in NE scotland

Quick question if anyone’s got any local knowledge…

Thinking of jumping from pcv to lgv driving. What with the state of the oil industry here in Aberdeen would this be a risky investment at this current time? Are vacancies going to be filled by those out of oil work and are haulage company’s up here going to be cutting back?


Plenty of hgv jobs still around atm in Aberdeen. Experience is generally the key though.

Have a chat with Jason Noir of Dyce Carriers Ltd, family owned firm.Aberdeen.

I went from First Glasgow, to Hgv driving almost 2 years ago, best thing that ever happened to me getting away from the buses.

I don’t really know much about the industry in Aberdeen to be honest, how ever I know of a guy, from Kilmarnoch, who drives up to Aberdeen on a Sunday night and tramps for 4-5 days, then drives back down. Same as a guy I worked with stayed in Elgin, drove down to Carluke to work, and stayed with a family member for 4-5 days then drove back up for the weekend. If this type of thing would suit you, you are broadening you horizons so to speak…

Like mentioned above, experience may be the key :slight_smile: