
Handtrans imingham has any body worked for them I’f so how are they


Class 1 sorry forgot to add that

I did a few shifts for them with an agency when I first passed my class 1. The stuff I did was ferry trailers subbed to DFDS but they also do palletforce trunks and other own account work which I never touched. When I did work for them their kit was getting on a bit, all Renault Premiums and Daf XF but noticed they have a fair few new wagons on the road now. I know nothing about their pay as I was on agency rate but all the lads were chatty and happy to help. Office lads were young and pimply but never bothered me… too busy chasing the class 2 multi-drop lads probably.

To be fair mate after reading your posts about struggling to get work, if they’re offering you a gig… bite their hand off and if it’s not your bag give it 6 months and get some experience then move on!! Work is out there just ask about!!

Good luck

Got an assessment on Thurs so yes defo going to bite there hand off cause really am struggling to get a start money is good so no probs there and when I spoke to them there gear is all nearly new now I think 15 and 14 plates cheers for the reply

God help us…

the nodding donkey:
God help us…

What u on about