Job seekers allowance

if you work sat +mon each week on regular jobs -total 14 hrs , you then get job seekers allowance, what happens if you get offered extra work on top of your 14 hrs ,say taking you up to 22 hrs, do you have to inform them of extra work ,is j.s.a gar for so long whether you do more work or not ta
n.b extra work is not gar, you could do 14 hrs for 3 weeks,1 week of 22 hrs, then back to 14 hrs

As soon as you hit 16hrs mate its adios benefits, if you declare it of course.

They do have a fast track back into JSA etc… if it all goes ■■■■ up within so many weeks. 13 I think.

As far as I know ,even if you worked less than 14 hour but was paid more than your JSA for that time you would not be paid JSA at all.

I believe that anything you earn is deducted £ for £ from your JSA, except for £5.

One thing’s for certain,you’re not going to earn £100 in a week and get JSA as well.

I’ve been on JSA since my boss packed it in back in June. He promised me any work he had and a few weeks after I signed on he gave me a day’s work, which I declared. The upshot was that after paying for petrol in my car I worked a day for nothing.