Job lose at leyland trucks

I see leyland trucks have said it is cutting jobs and will stay shut longer over Xmas. I do feel sorry for the lads how are being losing there jobs :frowning: :frowning:

do u mean ldv??if so they let 95 jobs go.

It was definitely Leyland. They had the old British Leyland badge up on the news last night with Paccar in the small print (DAF)

I used to deliver to JCB at Uttoxeter (world parts centre) and they are laying loads off after reducing their hours AND them taking a pay cut. This was all to stop redundancies, so much for reducing your hours and taking a pay cut. I bet they pay their redundancy at the new reduced rate!! :angry:

there are jobs lost at both leyland and ldv. ldv are not selling the maxus van fan according to t txt!!!

just read this


its not good :frowning: :frowning:


Bad and uncertain times for a lot people.