Job centre plus web site


I thought I would post this in new drivers forum as quite a
few of us new drivers look on the job centre web site for
work. After looking on the web site from time to time I have
noticed that most of the jobs are not that well paid and
when you do find one and phone up its an agency wanting
you to sign up with them and my point being why dont they
state in the job advert that it is an agency so you dont waste
time and money :angry: . There is the odd job where it is not an agency
and pay is ok so is worth looking at from time to time. So what do
you think of it then :question: . … rchforaJob

Waste of bloody time looking there if you ask me. :frowning:

I just LOVE the ads that say ‘Exceeds national minimum wage!’ :open_mouth:
Hmmm, tempting :wink:

theghostofcain Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 7:26 pm Post subject:

I just LOVE the ads that say ‘Exceeds national minimum wage!’
Hmmm, tempting

these are ussually the jobs that pay cash in hand and we would NEVER do that …would we? :wink:

Their web site is one of the worst places to look for work, just the same as their offices !!
I found that any jobs that might be of interest, once you make some further enquiry about them, you find out that the position was filled months ago.
Call me a cynic, but they are a government agency, and therefore they are in the business of conning us with meaningless statistics. I am sure most of the “jobs” advertised do not exist, but are put on the web site to make us all think that there are thousands of vacancies waiting to be filled out there.
Those of us who have had to look for work recently know better…
There should be vacancies for staff in my local job centre, because I have never met a more unhelpful bunch of people in my life !!

Al. [Happily no longer visiting job centres. Touches wood.]

ghost of cain, have you seen how many driving jobs are in this weeks chad?

and they reckon there,s a driver shortage!

I know, it’s scary. I have given Beardsley’s a call, do you know anything about them? I didn’t know they had a place in Huthwaite.

hiya mate, all i can tell you about them is, they have/had a large depot
on colwick loop road (i think it,s called that) on the right hand side before you
get to nottm. racecourse.

i was suprised to see also that they have a place in huthwaite. i couldn’t
tell you if they have re-located, or opened another depot.

best of luck with it anyway.

It looks like they have got another depot up here.

I called them yesterday and they are looking for class 1 & 2. The transport manager said he would take me on as class 2 and then send me round the yard and out with other drivers to get a bit of class 1 experience, which is fair. I am waiting for an application form, and I’ll get the Nottm post today cos they have a driving jobs ‘special’ (which means about 8 driving ads instead of 4).

best of luck mate, on a different subject, do you know where reg morgans
yard is in pleasly?

take a look in there mate, :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

if ever there was an adveret for keeping your distance

I don’t know it, no. Bad?

blimey! two more members in mansfield!! shall we form a takeover comittee? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

blimey! two more members in mansfield!! shall we form a takeover comittee? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

i thought each town only had 1 idiot,please don’t argue over who it is :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


blimey! two more members in mansfield!! shall we form a takeover comittee? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

i thought each town only had 1 idiot

You’ve CLEARLY never been to Mansfield, then. :confused:

I don’t know it, no. Bad?

if you went through pleasley, turned left at the r/b, it’s on the right opposite
maurice hills old depot, there’s a scania unit in there (if it’s still there),
looks like it’s been pushed off the edge of a cliff, and landed front first :open_mouth:



blimey! two more members in mansfield!! shall we form a takeover comittee? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

i thought each town only had 1 idiot

You’ve CLEARLY never been to Mansfield, then. :confused:

no never had that pleasure :laughing: or is it a pleasure :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: