Job Ad Legit?

Seen a lot of ads that sound too good to be true? are they?

Thursday-Monday £900 ?

I always say “If it sounds too good to be true, go for it”.

Mind you it sounds pretty average to me.

I’d be wary of applying for any job advert that appears to have been written by a four year old with a strange case of typewriter Tourette’s!

the only ‘large’ national retailer in that postcode isn’t their contract. so best of luck.

as a ltd company you will … really annoys me as a recruiter give people a choice of paye or ltd not force them.

I can better that one. There is an advert on Indeed for a roadsweeper (multiple locations), with a salary of up to £50,000 year.

Now as someone that has driven roadsweepers myself in the past, I know for a fact that earning potential is just utter garbage. Even with lots of overtime and Saturdays you wouldn’t make anything at all like that figure.

A genuine agency run by a very nice bloke indeed, go for it, one of the few agency’s worth working for.

Anything that starts “our client” normally means the job doesn’t exist they just want more drivers on their books in case they get some work,in the meantime you’ll be sat at home NOT earning £900pw

Blunder Man:
A genuine agency run by a very nice bloke indeed, go for it, one of the few agency’s worth working for.

Your surname - is it McCarthy or Campbell? :grimacing:


Blunder Man:
A genuine agency run by a very nice bloke indeed, go for it, one of the few agency’s worth working for.

Your surname - is it McCarthy or Campbell? :grimacing:

that genuine they are advertising for a contract which isn’t their own? :laughing: :laughing:

I can better that one. There is an advert on Indeed for a roadsweeper (multiple locations), with a salary of up to £50,000 year.

Now as someone that has driven roadsweepers myself in the past, I know for a fact that earning potential is just utter garbage. Even with lots of overtime and Saturdays you wouldn’t make anything at all like that figure.

The £50,000 per annum is what you’d be on by retirement, assuming you sign up at age 21 with the company.
It also involves you working 16 hours per day, 7 days per week in a non-tacho/digicarded vehicle.


Seriously though…

Things that set alarm bells ringing - beyond the “Typewriter Tourettes”… (Love that! :laughing: :laughing: )

(1) Large client not named. Why? - Telling would-be recruits that “Sign up with us to work full time at xxxx” would be a good selling point, if the money is then better than being a full timer there - right?

(2) Agency themselves attempting to recruit drivers - Why don’t they name themselves?

(3) NO PAYE - If you do the work, and don’t get paid - you won’t get paid. With Umbrella/LTD you have to invoice, and if it’s disputed - it won’t be paid (disputing an invoice is just any old stall of course…) Also, even if you DID get paid - it might be in 60-90 days time.

(4) No hourly rate mentioned. Thursday-Monday out solid tramping during that time - suddenly looks like “mediocre pay” don’t it?

(5) 10 hour shifts when tramping means 14 hours a day when you’re not being paid at all… You’re considered off duty - even if you’re working another 10 hour drive, 15 hour day… Traffic bad? - Vechicle unrealiable? - Got sent to a TkMaxx? depot :unamused:

(6) The apparently “Dartford” phone number could well be on “call divert” to God knows where (no actual office in Dartford) or of course it could even be an office on Crossways that are in the middle of moving out to some unknown new location, leaving a few unpaid drivers behind who have no idea where the Gaffer moved to… :angry:

(7) All runs might be for a client firm on the other side of the water. You’re expected to pay for all dartford crossings yourself, and claim it back as a tax expense - rather than from the company who isn’t actually going to be employing you… Short-hop multiple times across the water per day? = Muchos deductos… :frowning:

Edit: Had a dyslexic moment there… 01332 is Derby rather than 01322 which is Dartford. :blush:

(8) £27 per payslip process umbrella fees as standard…

(9) Ever wondered how so many gaffers of this “less than transparent” agency type get to drive flash cars? - You’re about to find out where the money they make comes from… The under/unpaid drivers. :imp:

(10) Asking for a “CSE or equivalent” is asking for someone to limbo Rodney Trotter in terms of qualifications (“GCE in Art” trumps a CSE in the unspecified subject here - right?)
In other words - they’re asking for an idiot who can’t see the scam that’s coming. :stuck_out_tongue: :bulb:

the only ‘large’ national retailer in that postcode isn’t their contract. so best of luck.

as a ltd company you will … really annoys me as a recruiter give people a choice of paye or ltd not force them.

I know they always used to advertise for drivers at the new M&S depot at Castle Donnington which is DE74 postcode and fits the description of store work/trunking. I spoke to them last summer about it but the pay was a bit below what I was getting at the time so didn’t take them up on the offer.

Out of interest if it is M&S then who currently runs the contract?

I speak as I find :smiley: you lads are always asking on here for opinions, I told you my opinion, I worked for them they are nice people, ring them up and ask about the job, HE WILL tell you.

Seriously though…

Things that set alarm bells ringing - beyond the “Typewriter Tourettes”… (Love that! :laughing: :laughing: )

(1) Large client not named. Why? - Telling would-be recruits that “Sign up with us to work full time at xxxx” would be a good selling point, if the money is then better than being a full timer there - right?

(2) Agency themselves attempting to recruit drivers - Why don’t they name themselves?

(3) NO PAYE - If you do the work, and don’t get paid - you won’t get paid. With Umbrella/LTD you have to invoice, and if it’s disputed - it won’t be paid (disputing an invoice is just any old stall of course…) Also, even if you DID get paid - it might be in 60-90 days time.

(4) No hourly rate mentioned. Thursday-Monday out solid tramping during that time - suddenly looks like “mediocre pay” don’t it?

(5) 10 hour shifts when tramping means 14 hours a day when you’re not being paid at all… You’re considered off duty - even if you’re working another 10 hour drive, 15 hour day… Traffic bad? - Vechicle unrealiable? - Got sent to a TkMaxx? depot :unamused:

(6) The apparently “Dartford” phone number could well be on “call divert” to God knows where (no actual office in Dartford) or of course it could even be an office on Crossways that are in the middle of moving out to some unknown new location, leaving a few unpaid drivers behind who have no idea where the Gaffer moved to… :angry:

(7) All runs might be for a client firm on the other side of the water. You’re expected to pay for all dartford crossings yourself, and claim it back as a tax expense - rather than from the company who isn’t actually going to be employing you… Short-hop multiple times across the water per day? = Muchos deductos… :frowning:

Edit: Had a dyslexic moment there… 01332 is Derby rather than 01322 which is Dartford. :blush:

(8) £27 per payslip process umbrella fees as standard…

(9) Ever wondered how so many gaffers of this “less than transparent” agency type get to drive flash cars? - You’re about to find out where the money they make comes from… The under/unpaid drivers. :imp:

(10) Asking for a “CSE or equivalent” is asking for someone to limbo Rodney Trotter in terms of qualifications (“GCE in Art” trumps a CSE in the unspecified subject here - right?)
In other words - they’re asking for an idiot who can’t see the scam that’s coming. :stuck_out_tongue: :bulb:

And something like this!!! ^^^

Is why I haven’t bothered coming back to driving.

It’s not the agencies that are bent - it’s Thatcher’s children who’ve been brought up to think that “Business” is "fiddling money out of those with less in life than you have - rinse and repeat"…

“Setting up an agency” is just one of many ways in which you can overcharge clients, undercut rival firms playing a straighter game than you, and of course lie and fiddle the actual staff who think you’re a Godsend - merely because they were (unlucky) enough to darken the door of the dodgy firm first.

It’s just pot luck if that dodgy firm happens to be a driving agency, general workers agency, call centre manager, data miner, PPI canvasser, ambulance chaser, and of course any firm with LLP in bold type after their company name… emphasised to put you off thinking they’re bent, but it just confirms it to suspicious types like moi! :smiling_imp:

Tony Blair’s “be nice to business” really was offering carte blanche to any “innovation” (fresh, thought-up fiddle idea) in new start-ups (johnny come lately) businesses today.

Even the “Hand Car Wash Centres” that proliferate around the country are merely “employment vehicles” allowing umpteen different people (nearly all immigrants) to share a job that could be done by a fraction of the staff - and thus qualify for maxed-out tax credits worth over £200pw EACH which of course is paid by the taxpayer, NOT the business - let alone the boss who set said business up…
The “job” is exactly 30 hours per week at minimum wage - stick the numbers into the HMRC’s “tax credit calculator” to see how much better off you get to be doing THIS rather than claiming JSA ever again…


the only ‘large’ national retailer in that postcode isn’t their contract. so best of luck.

as a ltd company you will … really annoys me as a recruiter give people a choice of paye or ltd not force them.

I know they always used to advertise for drivers at the new M&S depot at Castle Donnington which is DE74 postcode and fits the description of store work/trunking. I spoke to them last summer about it but the pay was a bit below what I was getting at the time so didn’t take them up on the offer.

Out of interest if it is M&S then who currently runs the contract?

I couldn’t possibly say on an open forum, but your guess would be exactly the same as mine :wink: regarding the contract, it isn’t their contract that one I can 100% guarantee as we supply too and it isn’t even ours. mind you if anyone fancies having the choice of paye as well pm me :sunglasses: but it isn’t based at the de74 postcode.

I have great difficulty on here as this is my own personal account nothing to do with work although I do get dragged into a mix of both worlds at times :blush: :blush: