Looking for ex JLS haulage Drivers leighton Buzzard or Southend.


As an addition to above, drivers at Leighton Buzzard I can remember. Tony Jones, Ray Tutt, Ian, Pete Yogi Whitefield, Larry the manager, John Sullivan the boss man. SOS: Andy barnes, Mark Nash, Mick Simms, Me, Nelson, Driscoll twins.
Last fleet: 1992 Renault 340 Turbo Highliners. Bream and brown livery. Went bust mid 1993.
Shame great company.

Sorry no Drivers but i’ve got these :smiley:


Great Pics, thanks Steve, that was the 1990 fleet, we generally changed every year, that time renault’s split with 332 MAN;s
I think.
Anyone remember Tony Jones, I heard stil working In Bletchley or close part time, Lost part of his leg in a shunt with A Wrecker that joined M way from hard shoulder in Stafford on M6, Tony rear ended it at speed, jeez big shunt, long time ago.
Good days, hard work, good salaries, got home once a week if you were lucky,