Jimmy Savile

^^^^ +1 agree

Maybe you can provide all the previous precedents which show that anyone has ever been convicted of just kissing a girl under 16 and if so does that same law apply to every bloke equally under the law,regardless of age,just as would be the case if any bloke,regardless of age,actually had a ■■■■■■ relationship with a girl under the age of consent,which common sense says is a totally different issue to just kissing.Just so long as common sense still applies in regards to the law.Which seems something that the age police seem a bit short of. :open_mouth: :unamused:

I am not following Geoffrey very well, he seems to be saying it was wrong for Prince Philip to write intimate letters to Elizabeth Windsor when he was 18.

It was correct for his own dad to be seeing his mother when there was the same age gap

And it is ok for a 40 something to be playing sticky fingers if she agrees although she isn’t yet 16

Which side of the fence are you on?

Wheel Nut:
I am not following Geoffrey very well, he seems to be saying it was wrong for Prince Philip to write intimate letters to Elizabeth Windsor when he was 18.

It was correct for his own dad to be seeing his mother when there was the same age gap

And it is ok for a 40 something to be playing sticky fingers if she agrees although she isn’t yet 16

Which side of the fence are you on?

You’re right you’re not following what I’m saying very well.All I’ve actually said is that the age of consent is 16 which applies (should apply) to every bloke in relation to the age when they can legally have a ■■■■■■ relationship with a girl regardless of that bloke’s age or any so called bs age gap issues. :bulb:

But since when did just kissing a girl of 15 mean the same thing as a ■■■■■■ relationship :question: .

The issues related to many types of previous precedents out there,involving relationships between over 18 blokes and under 18 women show that the idea of an 18 age threshold,being applied in regards to over 18 blokes being prevented from dating and having a ■■■■■■ relationship with under 18 women,subject to the age of consent being complied with,is (should be) just bs. :bulb:

The fact is,contrary to the bs ideas of the age police,the age of consent has nothing whatsoever to do with age gaps.It applies (is meant to apply) regardless of wether it’s a 15 year old bloke dating a 15 year old girl or a 40 + year old bloke dating a 15 year old girl.In either case there’s (or shouldn’t be) any difference in that it’s just the age of consent that needs to be complied with.There aren’t (shouldn’t be) any age gap limits in regards to just dating or even kissing a 15 year old girl.As previous precedent shows.

However if it’s illegal to date or kiss a girl of 15 then that law should apply to every bloke regardless of age in which case,as I’ve said,you’re going to be locking up a lot of them if you’re intending on applying that bs retrospectively.As I’ve also said luckily I won’t be one of them.

No, still lost the will to try to understand it, send me a PM when they have dug Jimmy Savile up and interviewed him :stuck_out_tongue:

It is all the would and shoulds, the precedents and the age police. I have lost the will to live.


From what has been alleged these under 16 girls had ■■■ with jimmy savile against there will that’s wrong if you don’t agree with that statement you are condoning child ■■■■.
In the Megan stammers case if they had ■■■ even with her consent she is still a minor and even if they spent there time away playing tiddlywinks the teacher has abused his position of trust.

From what has been alleged these under 16 girls had ■■■ with jimmy savile against there will that’s wrong if you don’t agree with that statement you are condoning child ■■■■.
In the Megan stammers case if they had ■■■ even with her consent she is still a minor and even if they spent there time away playing tiddlywinks the teacher has abused his position of trust.

yep, that about sums it up.

Some of my work involves school runs and trips out with kids. Even an allegation of something indecent or inappropriate happening between me and one of the girls that I am entrusted with would see my CRB being suspended immediately and probably me loosing my job.

I have had a couple of girls offer themselves to me but the reality is it wouldn’t be worth it.
It’s strange once they turn 16 they loose interest in me and the naughtiness of what they wanted.

ASSUMING JS is gulity then what do the victims want out of this?

I would like Sir Jimmy to rest in peace.Why after his death are people making allegations when the man cant defend himself?He cycled from Lands End to John O Groats a long time before it became fashionable.

And before Sat nav too!


From what has been alleged these under 16 girls had ■■■ with jimmy savile against there will that’s wrong if you don’t agree with that statement you are condoning child ■■■■.
In the Megan stammers case if they had ■■■ even with her consent she is still a minor and even if they spent there time away playing tiddlywinks the teacher has abused his position of trust.

yep, that about sums it up.

Some of my work involves school runs and trips out with kids. Even an allegation of something indecent or inappropriate happening between me and one of the girls that I am entrusted with would see my CRB being suspended immediately and probably me loosing my job.

I have had a couple of girls offer themselves to me but the reality is it wouldn’t be worth it.
It’s strange once they turn 16 they loose interest in me and the naughtiness of what they wanted.

In the Megan Stammers case there is no evidence of any under age ■■■■■■ relationship whatsoever.Which is probably why he’s not been arrested under any warrant for that type of charge.He’s actually been arrested for ‘abduction’ which is obviously not exactly what happened considering that she’s old enough to know wether or not she wanted to be with him.By all accounts the warrant is binding so he can’t be charged with anything other than that.

As for the age of consent as it applied in that case it seems a grey area as to wether at that point the French age of consent rules would have applied not the British one in just the same way that driving at 180 mph on an unlimited German autobahn doesn’t get anyone nicked for exceeding the British 70 mph speed limit and bearing in mind that the British age of consent was lower than it is now not that long ago anyway.So maybe it would be a good idea to harmonise it with the French one to stop the issue of couples running to France just a couples used to elope to Gretna to take advantage of different Scottish marriage laws.

Added to that is the issue of too many people allowing their judgement to be clouded by ever changing societal values and views,related to the age gap being seen (wrongly) as the relevant issue,not the age and in which the goal posts change like the weather to the point of them now wanting one law being applied in the case of blokes over 18 dating and marrying under 18 girls and another for blokes under that age doing exactly the same thing. :bulb: :unamused:

The only issues which I’ve got with the Megan Stammers case is that her morals seem to reflect the situation of the type of family life which she’s grown up in.There’s (should be) a big difference between a girl of 15 going for a single middle aged bloke and him taking up the offer,subject to the age of consent being complied with,just the same as if it was a bloke of her own age that she’d chosen.Compared to the case of a 15 year old girl running off to France with a married bloke,regardless of his age.No surprise that no one could care less about that issue all they’re interested in is the age issue and wanting to keep their options open in regards to the idea of marriage meaning for life.So in my view a plague on all their houses because it’s basically mostly a society made up of hypocrites. :imp: :unamused:

However why should society view,taking up an offer by a 15 year old girl,subject to the age of consent being complied with,as ‘inapropriate’ in view of the precedent set by loads of similar cases out there such as the example which I’ve posted which show that such a relationship is entirely legal :question: . :confused: :unamused:

But what you seem to be describing is some sort of trap going on being set by those girls in order to just make trouble for any bloke who’s stupid enough to not know if he’s being offered the real thing,of a girl who’s really looking for a proper,decent,age gap relationship,compared to a girl who isn’t.On that basis the Megan Stammers case seems to be the latter of those considering that she hasn’t said anything publicly in support of the bloke and against her parents since he was arrested and maybe justice considering that it’s yet again the scenario of a married bloke looking for,and obviously thought that he’d got,another chance with a single girl.

Jimmy Savile is just a dirty boy along with Glitter, King and co. I don’t care if he stood on his head in a pool of turds for charity he is still the same dirty b---------d that was caught with his hand up a 12 year olds skirt. Is that right? is she old enough to understand what is going on? No right answer. No one in their right mind can now support this guy with all the evidence unfolding. I would belive the words from Paul Gamborchine (spelling) before his charity organisers (they have a lot to loose) or his friends. We should all be thinking about his victims and how they have come to terms with what went on I bet not one of them is saying we should let him rip. I used to be a fan of Jimmy, ex pit man, wrestler, marathon runner but now he had added screwing kids to his CV I am no fan now. I bet there will be loads of JIM’L FIX IT badges in the bin this week.


Back in the 50s Jerry Lee Lewis performed in the U.K. but was sent packing because he had brought his very under age wife with him.There were a lot of protests at the time.It was thought that this was the reason that Elvis never played in this country.There is no need for debate 15 year olds of either ■■■ are off the menu.The teacher who went to France with one has “cocked” up his and his wifes life good style,I dont know how he could have been so stupid.I drive school buses and often high 5 with primary kids,but there is absolutely no contact at all with secondary school pupils.

Back in the 50s Jerry Lee Lewis performed in the U.K. but was sent packing because he had brought his very under age wife with him.There were a lot of protests at the time.It was thought that this was the reason that Elvis never played in this country.There is no need for debate 15 year olds of either ■■■ are off the menu.The teacher who went to France with one has “cocked” up his and his wifes life good style,I dont know how he could have been so stupid.I drive school buses and often high 5 with primary kids,but there is absolutely no contact at all with secondary school pupils.

The fact is Jerry Lee Lewis was legally married in a different place in a different time with different age of consent laws.Although having said that as usual it was a married/divorced bloke who got the girl not a single one.That was until federal law was allowed to overturn state laws in the Southern Sates concerning the issue. :open_mouth: Which has led to that situation in which what was illegal,in the form of perverted same ■■■ relationships,is now legal and where it’s now one law for blokes over 18 and one law for blokes who are under 18 when it comes to normal relationships as nature intended.Which is obviously the type of bs situation which the government is trying to gradually import here. :unamused:

But previous precedent definitely shows that 15 year olds aren’t,or at least weren’t as of recently,‘off the menu’ just so long as the age of consent laws are adhered to.One thing is for certain you would have got a shock if you’d have seen the type of chatting up between the bus conductors and secondary school girls during the 1970’s when I used the bus to go to school.As usual the rule of older/married blokes being more in demand than single blokes of their own age like me at the time applied.There’s obviously nothing new there in the Megan Stammers case.

I don’t think it was the fact they were older that got them the girls. Still I’m sure there is a teenage bride out there with an intrest in two stroke Bedfords and pre common market economics for you somewhere Geoffrey.

They won’t need to put a watch Jimmy Saville as he won’t be running away. :open_mouth:

I don’t think it was the fact they were older that got them the girls. Still I’m sure there is a teenage bride out there with an intrest in two stroke Bedfords and pre common market economics for you somewhere Geoffrey.

:open_mouth: :laughing:

Trust me Bedfords and economics were the last thing on my mind when I let the girls go first upstairs on the old RT. :smiling_imp: :smiley: But you can bet that most of the conductors had more chance of getting a date with more,if not all,of them than I ever did.That’s a lot of the problem in that Jimmy Saville is being judged,on what was considered as nothing unusual at that time,by the pc standards of today.Although obviously nothing changes in that like jobs it’s always been easier to get another bird if they’ve already got one especially if they’re married as the Megan Stammers case shows.But I wouldn’t turn down the chance of making an honest woman of her if she’d like to change her mind about that idea. :smiling_imp: :laughing:

Dave the Renegade:
They won’t need to put a watch Jimmy Saville as he won’t be running away. :open_mouth:

:smiling_imp: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Some say that they’ve already got the JCB standing by. :laughing:


Dave the Renegade:
They won’t need to put a watch Jimmy Saville as he won’t be running away. :open_mouth:

:smiling_imp: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Some say that they’ve already got the JCB standing by. :laughing:

If they leave him where he is, he will get a burial at sea when the cliffs collapse :stuck_out_tongue:

Jimmy Savile is just a dirty boy along with Glitter, King and co. I don’t care if he stood on his head in a pool of turds for charity he is still the same dirty b---------d that was caught with his hand up a 12 year olds skirt. Is that right? is she old enough to understand what is going on? No right answer. No one in their right mind can now support this guy with all the evidence unfolding. I would belive the words from Paul Gamborchine (spelling) before his charity organisers (they have a lot to loose) or his friends. We should all be thinking about his victims and how they have come to terms with what went on I bet not one of them is saying we should let him rip. I used to be a fan of Jimmy, ex pit man, wrestler, marathon runner but now he had added screwing kids to his CV I am no fan now. I bet there will be loads of JIM’L FIX IT badges in the bin this week.

I am quite surprised Paul Gambacinni wasn’t on the same bus, he has always been a bit 9 bob. Johny Beerling said there was nothing he knew about Savlle in the 19 years he worked with him.

Gary Glitter and Jonathan King both wished it had been Jim instead of PC World when they said we can fix it for you!