Bacon sandwhich,how is it going with them.?Are you still working there ?
Interested to hear, too!
Afternoon Tobes!
Only been there 4 days so yes, I’m still there!
Went out on Tuesday with someone for a couple of loads a reloads to get a feel for the job. Wednesday was induction day but ended up bobtailing down to Salisbury to rescue a broken down driver. Thursday went to Southampton and Salisbury with a couple of loads.
Friday was a little bit different.
Spent the morning finishing off my induction training and messing about with the crane and then I turned into the wrong guy at the wrong time! A driver had broken down in Ipswich so I ended up going out in the F12 recovery truck towing a working tractor unit, swapping over units and reloading at Ipswich docks. Didn’t get back to the yard till 10pm!
I’m off to Battersea tomorrow morning on my first solo trip with a reload at Tolworth going…god knows where!
It’s definitely not a boring job so I’ll stick at it.
Sounds interesting.No two days the same.
I looked at going on for these folk before I came on for the mob I’m on with now Any good?
They seem to be OK.
Very busy at the moment and seeing as though they’ve got 70 trucks and they’re all out, that has to be a good sign.
I’ll let you know exactly what they’re like come pay day!!
Peddle to the metal.Keep her lit.
I did get offered a drive there back before Christmas after going in to see them one Saturday. After deliberating over what to do for a few days, I chose to stick with my self employment. I have to say though, their kit looked bang up to scratch maintenance wise with their own bodyshop, workshop in house. Big fleet these days. From what I was told and shown and generally how the chap I saw came across, I’d be in there begging should I ever want to go on the books with anyone
If anyone is interested, they’re still after more drivers.
My first full week has been great. Ended up going to Battersea 3 times. I’ve been let loose on the crane too so I’ve just got to crack on and get the hang of it. No breakages as yet!!
There is certainly a lot of variety on this job so you won’t get bored, and with what I ended up getting paid for basically bugger all, the pay is very good too.
Sounds like a busy week, keeping the wheels turning. I passed quite a few Pearce lorries and other local crane operators heading back west on the M4 from London way on Thursday, empty. The A303 always seems like Pearce Highway whenever I use it too! Are you out all week or just take nights out as and when they come?
I have been told by one of their drivers that they have bought a feild near where their yard is for a new depot to be built.
They have to get out of where they are as the block company in the quarry near them are moving into their yard.
The quarry wants the block company out as they need to blast the stone which is underneath the current factory.
The driver I was talking to seems very happy there, he’s on day work and just gets on with it. He said that he was getting a new truck soon as they do have quite a few old ones trotting about.
I got told that too, a six acre site on the main road only a stones throw from their current yard.
I see the diggers are in. It’s a 14ac site, not 6 as I said above.
Come on then, own up… Who bought their 460 V8 through eBay then?! Future classic I hope and not off to Kenya or somewhere!
Jobs still going there.Five new trucks on order.Take home is £750 per week.
On London runs,the building sites are small.
You drop the wagon and drag trailer.Unload the load on the cab part.
Go back to the dropped trailer to crane off the load on to the cab part and tip that.
A lot of faffing around.
Not me matey! I’m on artics!
Jobs still going there.Five new trucks on order.Take home is £750 per week.
That’s bloody good money!!
Take home? Christ! That makes the old mind start ticking…!
It’s £39k…
Hence why I ask…
Must be gross… Surly…
To be honest, It’s still bloody good money if that is gross.
Take home 725 a week ? I’m an od on bricks n blocks and have been for quite a few years I’m now not an od as soon as I get a job at pearces for 725 quid a week in my bank