Jeremy Vine today at noon on Radio 2


Sooner Jeremy Vine is kicked off the Radio the better the better, bloke just annoys the hell out of me, seems to very rarely get any facts right, and also see things his way and nobody elses, I always turn off now when that prat is on…

But at least he plays the ■■■ Pistols,Buzzcocks etc,but I had to laugh at the guy who was on first that said he had got a masters,and was now doing a phd,but revealed that he left the industry 5 years ago.

Hardly a recent leaver was he?


Yeh, and he still didn’t have a job…

And who can afford to study for three years anyway?

Apart from the fact he totally ignored the real issues facing drivers and hauliers, what realy annoyed me was his patronising attitude to the segment, almost as if he was surprised that thick lorry drivers could take up another profession if needed, I cannot for the life of me see how that is newsworthy.

Vine is supposed to be a serious journalist, but he went for stereotyping and disregarded what is really important, Most drivers dont want to become Mobile Dog groomers or Gardeners, they want to stay in their jobs.

LDV recieves a 5 million pound hand out from HM Government to keep the workers in jobs, the haulage industry has lost a lot more jobs than LDV and get fuel duty raises and bugger all else.

we are simply seen as a bloody nuisance on the roads.

:laughing: :laughing: Quite right too, hang 'em all, I say, bloody truckers snarling up the roads :laughing: :laughing: