James durrans aquired by stillers

just been anounced on lorryspotting.com that stillers have bought out james durrans.

odd, does it mean just the transport side, as they are a supplier of carbon-type stuff mainly who just run their own transport, i thought?

The transport side was quite separate, different yard etc. Durrans did flour etc. as well as stuff from Immingham docks. Like many others it’s easier not to do transport than it is to stay in. Stillers have been trying to build up their tanker fleet for a while.

I presume the tanker fleet will move in with the other Stiller vehicles at Pete Osbournes’ old place.

odd, does it mean just the transport side, as they are a supplier of carbon-type stuff mainly who just run their own transport, i thought?

i used to tip containers of that carbon type stuff there as well.

Who is next to be acquired by Stillers, are they the next Stobart.