J26 showers

I like how he says " 40 to 50% of the taxes are vat" I thought vat was 20% tops on everything.

I think you’ve missread it? :wink:

The truth is 40-50% of the price of parking is VAT, business rates and taxes.


the nodding donkey:
Having got into some trampers trucks (to use for a day or such), and seeing how they spend the week in a [zb] pit that you wouldn’t let a dog sleep in, this does not surprise me.

Is week away tramping though ?
Saying that,how can they spend the week in said vehicle if you drive it for a day or such ?
Frec the Stella

Ok, I’ll explain, for the hard of understanding…

Tramper (uk style, away for a week, not like you ■■■■■■■■■ away for three months REAL tramper…), leaves “his” allocated truck for either the weekend, or when away on holiday. At end of shift, he leaves it as he does. A total ■■■■ pit. Stinking of ■■■■. Rubbish laying about (I’ve climbed into trucks with food left out…) , and obviously not been dusted/brushed out for a long time.

I like how he says " 40 to 50% of the taxes are vat" I thought vat was 20% tops on everything.

I like the way you use quotation marks (to indicate that what they enclose is a verbatim record of what was said/written) but then write something completely different inside them…

Read various posts about these here showers can’t see what the fuss is about when I used to run up to Sutherland and the north coast regularly I’d wash in a loch or river no problem .