It's the end of the week and you work perm nights

So do you partake in a nice alcoholic beverage .
I do . Sitting here and just about to open a bottle of magners .

HMMMMMM lovely :wink:

large glass of white wine for me

2 weeks hols now

So do you partake in a nice alcoholic beverage .
I do . Sitting here and just about to open a bottle of magners .

HMMMMMM lovely :wink:

lager for breakfast?
you think you might have a problem? :smiley:

Irish cider !!!

I reckon the people that drink alcohol after 5pm have a problem , i,m having breakfast then :laughing: :laughing:

I don’t have a drink problem

I get drunk

I fall down

No Problem

i’d have no problem if they dropped the price!
£2.50 a pint round here, costs me best part of a tenner to get drunk! :smiley:

that stuff is â– â– â– 
* advertising execs are rubbing their hands gleefully, at all the mugs buying magners

Cider is like Chedar Cheese in the fact that it’s not right unless its from Somerset!

Wusses!! Don’t mess about, just go straight for the whiskey that way you aint up all day going the toilet!!

EH EH EH Calm Down Calm Down! :laughing:

two fluble diskey and zemalades over here barman!

paul b:
two fluble diskey and zemalades over here barman!

Mine just gone, didn’t hit the sides! Had some Rose in spare though :smiley:

I’ve been on nights for nearly two years now, and just can’t face a drink at 6 in the morning even though it’s my evening :frowning:

But I’ve just taken over the first trunk shift, so I’m back in the yard by 2.30 - 3.00. Maybe out to a club after work :question: :smiley:

What I enjoy isa being in the pub on Saturday night when everyone else is knackered around midnight and I’m just waking up :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

I admit I do have a drink problem though -two hands and only one mouth :laughing: :laughing:

that stuff is â– â– â– 
* advertising execs are rubbing their hands gleefully, at all the mugs buying magners

After 15 years of non cider drinking due to a bad teenage experience with a 2 litre bottle for like £1.50 it will do for now . :laughing:
Besides i get it from the staff shop rather than pay the ridiculous price they eant for it in the shops .

I like my ale (and it likes me :unamused: ). However, my wife says that opening a can of Fosters at 7.30am while having breakfast is a bit early. I don’t think so …it must be 3pm somewhere :laughing:

morning lads, …

