Its that time of year again

We all try to put it off but we know we have to do it eventually.
Yes,take the missus on the annual pilgrimage to the retail park to start the crimbo shopping.
Negotiate the car park thinking"havent these people got anything better to do on a Sunday"
Sit there for what seems like an eternity whilst Mr average parks his Civic and at the third attempt gets in a a bay albiet slightly skew wiff.
Stand in Argos(other stores are available) like a spare one pretending to look interested.
Then its time too reverse the Vectra out to hear those words"what are you faffing about at,you are not in the lorry now"

Ho hum.

Went yesterday with her on the condition that at one o clock we go to the pub to watch the rugby league on TV.
It was that busy shopping I was well stressed and ready to sink a tetleys or 8 :smiley:

luckily my mrs does all of ours :grimacing:
i just have to go out at some stage to get hers.

Sod that for a lark, feet up in front of PC with large mug o’ tea or glass of favourite poison, few clicks of mouse, bloke delivers stuff a few days later, job done.

My lovely Mrs is doing the shopping whilst seated comfortably beside me at this very moment, she hates town and shopping centre hell slightly more than i do, i’ll be really good and go and make her a brew.

I’m trying to think of the last time we went shopping, can’t recall, don’t miss it.

My Christmas shopping comes from either the local town or Internet, I see no point fighting my way through the chaos of te retails parks or city centre shopping malls.
I really don’t understand why anybody else would go through it either, Seems like some sort of flock mentality kicking in.

I can’t stand going shopping in town centres, retail park for what I cent find online:)

I solved it - get rid of the missus :laughing:

luckily my mrs does all of ours :grimacing:
i just have to go out at some stage to get hers.

+1 Usually the weekend before or on the 24th :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

all done on the internet last month

Where does the time go.
Seems like it it was only yesterday when i ventured out on Xmas eve. get a couple of cds,perfume a tacky card and still be in the pub by midday.

Where does the time go.
Seems like it it was only yesterday when i ventured out on Xmas eve. get a couple of cds,perfume a tacky card and still be in the pub by midday.

That’s my boy :wink:

I luv it , i sit in a Costa Coffee whilst misses goes shopping , i sup latte and watch all the pretty ladies walking by :wink: , then when she has finished we take trolley back to car and home , no problem , cant see what the fuss is about

I luv it , i sit in a Costa Coffee whilst misses goes shopping , i sup latte and watch all the pretty ladies walking by :wink: , then when she has finished we take trolley back to car and home , no problem , cant see what the fuss is about

Just the Costa lot bit :wink: Everything else fine :smiley:

Yeh, I’ve got something better to do on sundays - being on a nice long shift. Gets me out of the house all day, and most of the night, no shopping centre misery, no parking hassle, no idiot car drivers & cyclists to negotiate, just the M25 which dies away after the watershed. :grimacing: :sunglasses:

The best part is getting paid a premium rate for hours of non-stop music during my travels rather than hours of non-stop depression trudging around some shopping centre, occasionally catching the eye of all those other dads who also look like they don’t wanna be there. :open_mouth: :unamused:

Christmas is cancelled due to lack of interest :stuck_out_tongue:

Christmas shopping all done in 5 minutes. Thanks Amazon. :smiley:

Christmas shopping all done in 5 minutes. Thanks Amazon. :smiley:

2nd that. AMAZON!!! simple. Let some other mug on min wage fight the traffic and deliver it.

yorkshire terrier:
Went yesterday with her on the condition that at one o clock we go to the pub to watch the rugby league on TV.
It was that busy shopping I was well stressed and ready to sink a tetleys or 8 :smiley:

I was there, at Wembley, took my fella, which was his Christmas present :slight_smile: I wasn’t oggling the players, honest.

Christmas is banned in our town, due to the minority being upset…i`m one of the minority :laughing:

On a serious note, I read that there are some local councils that have actually done it, whatever next !

Christmas shopping all done in 5 minutes. Thanks Amazon. :smiley:
