It's that time of year again

It’s scorching when you get parked up for the night so to try and get a comfortable/ish nights kip you have the sunroof open and either both windows open slightly or just the one and you kip starkers on top of the duvet. After 2-3 nights of doing this you get the sniffles, sore throat, chesty cough and you’re going through Beechams/Lemsips as though they’re going out of fashion :unamused:
I ended up with a nose bleed for about half an hour last night when I sniffed up a load of mucas from my nose a bit too hard and blood was coming out like water from a tap :open_mouth: If anyone walked around Jewsons on Eastmoors Road Cardiff this morning and saw the amount of blood on the floor they’d have probably ended up ringing the old bill up thinking someone had, had their throat slit :smiley:
Always get a cold this time of year and tend not to get any in winter, does anyone else get the same?

9 of us had a fortnight in Portugal last month didn’t see a cloud and obviously hot but one of us had a raging cold and sore throat for 3 days namely me.

NOPE regular vitamins and half litre freshly squeezed OJ everyday and a king size bed everynight ,inc abt 10 hrs kip :laughing: :laughing:

I tend not to suffer from minor sniffles due to my advanced immune system from years of picking me nose and eating it, ■■■■■■■ up the truck and not washing ones hands after using public urinals.
Downside is I cop for a load of STD’s, caught VD last week and told the wife its was from using Strensham services, which is half true… bloody cant resist a glory hole.
Drilled me own the other week which was frowned upon as it was in me downstairs loo.

Although its bloody ■■■■■■■ it down here and I dont mean the ■■■■■■■■■■■■■ variety.

Apologies for the disjointed post a clap of thunder has just scared the beegees out of my, sure theres some irony somewhere.

^^^^^^^ :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: . Epic. :smiley: