It's nearly Christmas

Our depot has Harry Lawsons doing our milk runs up north.They said its because were busy with xmas stuff.




Can I take it that all the bah humbug, I don’t bother with it, it’s for the kids, non xmas types will be working the holidays, for single rate obviously, after all it’s just another day that means nothing.

Would you turn down your next pay rise because you’re coping on your currently salary? :open_mouth:

No of course not, but then again I’m not complaining about pay rises, or whine on when pay rises come around every year, as in “oh no, it’s pay rise time again, I hate it, it should be for the new starters, I can’t even spend what they give me now” ok not that last one but you get the drift.
They’ll complain about it until the fat guys been, having spent the time ■■■■■■■ into the sofa watching the sound of music.

Can’t see your logic.
You won’t turn down an opportunity (pay-rise or better Xmas rate) which are basically the same…
Who is complaining about being able to earn a better rate at Xmas?

I think you’re trying to link a humbug with a mug! :laughing:

I don’t particularly care about Xmas, and if the rate was there I wouldn’t turn it down.
However i’m not about to sign a contract at the same time to not moan about certain aspect of Xmas.

What has one got to do with the other?

My logic is simple. There are members posting about how much they dislike Christmas, how they don’t believe in it, If that’s the case then why don’t they just go to work, it’s a Friday this year. As they don’t believe in it why would they expect extra pay? Would they expect extra pay for working on a Jewish holiday? Or a Muslim one? Or a Sikh one? As I’m sure they don’t believe in their holidays either.
I think you need to read all the previous posts to see & try to understands what’s being said. I never mentioned a pay rise, you did

My logic is simple. There are members posting about how much they dislike Christmas, how they don’t believe in it, If that’s the case then why don’t they just go to work, it’s a Friday this year. As they don’t believe in it why would they expect extra pay? Would they expect extra pay for working on a Jewish holiday? Or a Muslim one? Or a Sikh one? As I’m sure they don’t believe in their holidays either.
I think you need to read all the previous posts to see & try to understands what’s being said. I never mentioned a pay rise, you did

I can’t see a post where someone is saying they are mug enough to work for less than they can get…
Just like you wouldn’t turn down a pay rise! :wink:


My logic is simple. There are members posting about how much they dislike Christmas, how they don’t believe in it, If that’s the case then why don’t they just go to work, it’s a Friday this year. As they don’t believe in it why would they expect extra pay? Would they expect extra pay for working on a Jewish holiday? Or a Muslim one? Or a Sikh one? As I’m sure they don’t believe in their holidays either.
I think you need to read all the previous posts to see & try to understands what’s being said. I never mentioned a pay rise, you did

I can’t see a post where someone is saying they are mug enough to work for less than they can get…
Just like you wouldn’t turn down a pay rise! :wink:

I don’t know where you’re getting this pay rise thing from, have you been turned down for one? Read my post above, it’s quite clear what I’m getting at, unless you’ve been at the carryfast juice that is. For the hard of thinking or reading, why ■■■■■ & moan on a forum about a holiday you dont believe in when you’re quite happy to take the days off or demand extra pay if you have to work. It’s not that hard to grasp is it?



My logic is simple. There are members posting about how much they dislike Christmas, how they don’t believe in it, If that’s the case then why don’t they just go to work, it’s a Friday this year. As they don’t believe in it why would they expect extra pay? Would they expect extra pay for working on a Jewish holiday? Or a Muslim one? Or a Sikh one? As I’m sure they don’t believe in their holidays either.
I think you need to read all the previous posts to see & try to understands what’s being said. I never mentioned a pay rise, you did

I can’t see a post where someone is saying they are mug enough to work for less than they can get…
Just like you wouldn’t turn down a pay rise! :wink:

I don’t know where you’re getting this pay rise thing from, have you been turned down for one? Read my post above, it’s quite clear what I’m getting at, unless you’ve been at the carryfast juice that is. For the hard of thinking or reading, why ■■■■■ & moan on a forum about a holiday you dont believe in when you’re quite happy to take the days off or demand extra pay if you have to work. It’s not that hard to grasp is it?

Who is DEMANDING the extra pay? It’s all about taking ADVANTAGE of what’s on the table…
The same CONCEPT of someone not turning down a pay rise…

And no, I’m a limper so get what I’m given…
HOWEVER - If I get the chance, I’ll screw the agency to the wall for a top rate over Xmas, yet I’m an atheist.
What I don’t understand, is why “in your book” I’m not allowed to take advantage of market conditions?
I also can’t see the agency DEMANDING that I don’t whine about Xmas! :laughing:

You’re correct, what’s it got to do with me if the money obsessed are happy to prostitute themselves for a few extra quid.Happy holidays

Yes Christmas as soon.Lorry queues at Nft Daventry.

Christmas as soon.


:roll: :imp:

All this hype for 1 day
It’s now for the children and only the children…


Miserable sods, the pair of ya :stuck_out_tongue: , smile and enjoy the time of year like you were a child.

I agree. What’s not to like.

You get to sit on an overweight man’s knee, while he empty’s his sack.

from the best xmas film of all time

Went Xmas shopping in Banbury today and it was an alliance of do gooders in the town centre. The light switch on is tonight and there is an allied front of Salvation Army people (some preaching ■■■■■■■■), Evangelists, Lions and Rotary Clubs and a contingent of tramps.
After a quick detour to avoid “Santa” and the bucket shakers pincer movement, I led my family on a trek up one street, cut through a side street (dodging/ignoring two homeless beggars), down through the market square and the deserted street fair, sharp left turn before a rearguard of the Sally Army and entered the shopping centre amongst a crowd of shoppers. Field Marshall Rommel would’ve been proud of my Desert Fox dodging. :grimacing:
I spotted a Lords Taverners minibus so we withdrew before reinforcements of the Window Lickers battalion had dribbled their way onto the street.

Would just add that I fear the motabilitied mechanized divisions of the Window Licker battalions and their divisions of “Panfffer tanksh”. The only way to defeat these are to douse the minibus windows in vinegar.

I saw my first Marshall’s unit with a Stobart trailer today :open_mouth:

Just felt compelled to say that I saw my first Marshall’s unit pulling a Stobart trailer today ( going up by the bus station). TB was correct!

Miserable sods, the pair of ya :stuck_out_tongue: , smile and enjoy the time of year like you were a child.

I might do, with my favourite tipple [emoji16]

Xmas is looking good this year , finish Xmas eve( assuming I get back, if not run in x mas morn, should be ok as roads empty), fri off, Boxing Day at work, sun, mon off