After 2 or 3 hours waiting to be called onto the loading bay. I was instructed to open my roof and near side curtain.
Our trailers have a pulley sytem to open the slider, but this one was quite stiff to open.
I had to climb up the front of the trailer to release the cable, as I did so the loader decided to drive an 8 tonne machine onto the trailer, I was knocked off the steps and damaged my shoulder. As the suspension was compressed
I was trapped between the unit and trailer.
The loader totally unaware what he had done was sat inside my trailer blowing the horn, because without the curtains open he was stuck.
I managed to open the curtain with one arm to get him out, and then taught him some Yorkshire dialect
Of course this caused a CYA investigation from the company I was loading at and I ended up in the medical centre.
The first question asked, was Did the driver have safety boots on?
I have been sent to Derby Hospital for an X ray, although Im sure it is just badly bruised.
Sory to hear that Malc,but if you’d have been wearing your safety boots and hi-viz then it would never have happened.
Cos’ we all know that under H&S regs,wearing them makes you invincible to everything
One of our drivers slipped off the side of a mega-trailer in Moers last year and broke his arm in three places.First thing they said was ‘Were you wearing your hi-viz jacket?’
Must be for the benefit of anyone standing near him.So’s they can see him coming and jump out of the way
one of our lads got ran over by a forklift at work … he is on long term sick and the company has made a token gesture to pay him … why a token gesture !!
the forklift driver who ran him over said he couldnt see him because his hi viz vest wasnt done up at the front …the forklift driver gets off scot free and the h&s officer has all wearing done up hi viz vests …
the question i would have asked is , if the you didnt see the driver then how did you not know his hi viz was not done up !!!
this was done at the depot down the road , idiot forklift lads they are nearly hit the units and allsorts