Its all about the Determination to pass

I had an unusual experience today. I am writing this with full permission from the candidate.

Last November a guy Shree booked a course having left the army, the Ghurka Regt. There was/is a massive language barrier. Finally he passed Cat C at the 3rd attempt. He then decided to have a go at C+E against our advice.

After 3 or 4 fails we advised him to get some Cat C experience before continuing but he was determined to pass the final challenge. On test 5 he got through the road part and reversing but failed on the uncoupling because he didn’t attempt a forward shunt after connecting the trailer. Wow I was more gutted than Shree.

Test 6 produced the usual, Roundabout pull out, nearside mirrors before turning, traffic lights on amber. 3 serious.

He arrived late today for a 8am start and 10.15 test. By now we are like brothers, I know his entire family story.

Nice reverse, no shunt. At 11.30 he arrived back at Chelmsford. I watched the uncoupling and for the 1st time ever he done it in less than 20 minutes. I stood next to the cab door as always to get feedback but finally it happened…I’m happy to say…

A new Flair record was created 7th time on C+E, 10 tests overall to finish the job.

History: Cat C - 03/12/12 Fail, 07/01/13 Fail, 18/01/13 Pass
Cat C+E - 28/02/13 Fail, 25/03/13 Fail, 09/04/13 Fail, 30/04/13 Fail, 13/05/13 Fail, 24/05/13 Fail, 03/06/13 PASS

Good luck if your’e testing soon. Keep the faith.

Good on him! And good on you! If this was my daughter’s primary school they would have had him on gardening leave by now so as not to skew their ‘outstanding’ offsted figures.

I wonder if I would beat that :blush:
Just goes to show that if you keep on trying you will eventually get what you want.

I’ve worked with gurkha’s before
Absolutely the most determined guys ever!
If I owned a trucking firm is employ loads if them, such loyal folk it’s untrue

I started to think about that that must have all cost…then stopped!

There will be newish drivers out there right now, pottering about and waiting for the ‘mystical’ two years to be up so they can get a ‘proper’ job, who even then will not have as many hours experience on the road as this gut had when he got the pass certificate.

I have said it many times:
It is easy to predict what anyone will achieve - exactly what they will settle for.

■■■■ good luck to him - it would be interesting to know how he is doing right now…
