I had an unusual experience today. I am writing this with full permission from the candidate.
Last November a guy Shree booked a course having left the army, the Ghurka Regt. There was/is a massive language barrier. Finally he passed Cat C at the 3rd attempt. He then decided to have a go at C+E against our advice.
After 3 or 4 fails we advised him to get some Cat C experience before continuing but he was determined to pass the final challenge. On test 5 he got through the road part and reversing but failed on the uncoupling because he didn’t attempt a forward shunt after connecting the trailer. Wow I was more gutted than Shree.
Test 6 produced the usual, Roundabout pull out, nearside mirrors before turning, traffic lights on amber. 3 serious.
He arrived late today for a 8am start and 10.15 test. By now we are like brothers, I know his entire family story.
Nice reverse, no shunt. At 11.30 he arrived back at Chelmsford. I watched the uncoupling and for the 1st time ever he done it in less than 20 minutes. I stood next to the cab door as always to get feedback but finally it happened…I’m happy to say…
A new Flair record was created 7th time on C+E, 10 tests overall to finish the job.
History: Cat C - 03/12/12 Fail, 07/01/13 Fail, 18/01/13 Pass
Cat C+E - 28/02/13 Fail, 25/03/13 Fail, 09/04/13 Fail, 30/04/13 Fail, 13/05/13 Fail, 24/05/13 Fail, 03/06/13 PASS
Good luck if your’e testing soon. Keep the faith.