It'll buff out

Happened on the A205 this morning. IRC you only see the sign posts for it when you are right on top of it and it was heavy traffic this morning.

No wonder he hit the bridge, he was probably distracted by that fool kneeling in the road praying :unamused:


I thought that was the driver sobbing at what he had just done.

Could be an illegal immigrant fallen out the back!

Should still be driveable :question: Well to be more accurate the tractor unit will be, but not sure about the trailer.

Tighten the curtains and nobody will notice.

No wonder he hit the bridge, he was probably distracted by that fool kneeling in the road praying :unamused:


Escapee from Quantanamo bay, praying to be let back in :slight_smile:

Agency :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

^^ Sure it wasn’t you tango considering the attire on show?

^^ Sure it wasn’t you tango considering the attire on show?

Ah Um nah wasn’t me your honor :wink: :wink:

Has anyone Ever come onto TNet and actually admitted to being a driver of a complete balls up like this.
Or found to be a member and been tracked down and named and shamed by our self appointed TNet CSI ?

Just start a ‘Mistakes’ topic im sure some interesting pictures will surface. :wink:

Hither Green.

Its actually quite hard to snap a photo when a copper is looking directly at you!