italy tolls

hi folks,
before someone tells me to post on the euro forum i already have but thanks anyway. not had a reply as yet but hopefully someone will see it here

im heading to milan for a load back home and although ive done italy before ive never been to milan! i know there is daft wee tolls that charge 50c. etc

can anyone tell me roughly how much it will cost from the brenner pass to milan and back the same way (the gaffer is a tight arse and wont let us use the tunnel

thanks in advance and merry chritmas to one n all

ive done milan but never from brenner pass, however i cant thnk of any tolls ive come across thart are 50c ive only done it from uk E25 - E64

It’s around 200 euros to transit Austria, generally for western and southern Italy it’s cheaper to go via Austria although for Milan I personally would go via Mont Blanc (and I would be paying the tolls and tunnels myself)

thanks guys it was another driver said he can re-call tolls at that price i thought that to be silly but.

i would prefer to use the mont tunnel also but i have been told to avoid it and go via the brenner, i dont know why but we always get told to go that way and the vehicle has a tracker so cant go the tunnel and kid on i used the brenner etc

Good call, more foot fall here.

Brenner Pass is a good route: Austria into Italy then onto Milan - nowt wrong with that, tolls are reasonably priced & lovely views of countryside too!!! Not sure how much tolls will be exactly but not too bad. I used to go through Germany & then into Austria/Italy. I think it will be cheaper & easier than going through Switzerland for example.

I’d go via Switzerland, Milan is only an hour south of the border at Como. If it needs to be done on the cheap then go in via Weil am Rhein/St Louis - Basel border, then its about 4 hours down to Como. (Been a while since I did it but I’m sure that’s the cheapest option)

The Brenner is an acceptable way to Milan but with the German maut, Austrian go box and extra tolls in Italy not to mention the extra 175+ miles not one I would be keen to pay for.
In a van its around 50euro from Brennero to Milan, so for an artic reckon on 150euro plus, cash or credit card if your lucky or Via card.

id’ second swiss if he wont use the tunnels

that road from the brenner down to verona used to drive me nuts with all the overtaking bans and austrias not much better

Never did Austria or Italy but if they’re anything like Germany for overtaking bans it must be a nightmare. A regular run of mine till 2009 was down to Switzerland and it was a far more enjoyable drive once past the Belgian over taking bans and in to Lux and down through France, and Switzerland wasn’t bad at all.
Can it really be cheaper to go via Austria to Milan though? As has been said, the tolls in Germany and Austria alone must be quite high, then the extra mileage etc. No idea what Swiss road charges would be from Basel to Italy though.

Question of the day is who is paying the tolls?

If its the boss go the shortest route, regardless of the cost.

Calais to Reims then follow the national to St Diz, rejoin the Auto route at Chalon, hang a left at Macon then national from Borg Chambery, head for the Frazer. If no one is looking go over the Mont Cenis and down the hill to Torino, then follow the A4 to Milano. If your boss it that tight you can follow the old road from Torino to Milano it’s free but it’ll take you and hour of so extra.
14 hour drive full loaded.
