it was nice to

meet the north east’s finest driver,(lucy),down at tilbury yesterday,albeit she seemed JET LAGGED.

i take it the kip in layby helped? :smiley:

meet the north east’s finest driver,down at tilbury yesterday,

But I wasn’t at Tilbury. :laughing:


i’m not sure lucy was ,when i asked if she ok,she replied

im not sure yet? :open_mouth:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Not jet-lagged, just don’t do mornings. At all. Ever. :blush: I wondered why you were looking at me oddly! :wink:

The “Not sure yet” response was because I’d just got my paperwork and 2 of the four drops were in the towns of “Pacemaker” and “Farb”. Which knowing the lot at “the other end” at our place could have meant anything. (Plus I don’t do mornings…) :open_mouth:

Oh, and the more observant amongst you will have noticed that the driver in the layby was in a Volvo, and I drive an Iveco…But hey, who’s dozy, eh? :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

(Ps. Pacemaker turned out to be Southall and Farb was Farnborough. )

i stand corrected,but at 50+mph wasnt sure what make it was :blush: ,as for early mornings, try 4.30am each day,makes for a great lie in sat morning, :smiley: yeh like up and out with the dog by 6.15 at the latest.

Sounds like my idea of hell. :wink: