It was different

Last week and yesterday had a funny week. Delivered a load of new FM and FH Volvos. Took a tipper to Scotland and drove a couple of dustcarts and a lovely new wag and drag. Made a nice change. All empty and mostly brand new. had a chuckle imagining the drivers getting their new trucks and how precious they would be (for a week!)

Have to say the Volvo cab heater at night is superb

Variety the spice of life

who do you work for is a delivery firm

who do you work for is a delivery firm

I was doing a bit of “Plating” for a company. Different world. Nice to run empty all the time. All of the units were solo so pulling away from the lights was funny (Until you hit 52mph) but it did give me a bit of neck ache as without a trailer they are torquey beasts!! Would have loved to have one without restrictions.

Uniloads by any chance?

Uniloads by any chance?




Why, are they bad then?