It all seems to have kicked off

At least for me this would been a full week, first I can remember, if the agency had bothered to tell me I should have been on site this morning. Must get around to polishing that crystal ball… They’ve even panicked and booked me in advance to make sure I’m there on Friday.

Still, gave me a chance to do the rounds for some class 1 work and even though I’m up against the 2, or is that 1, maybe 6 months, of experience, it seems that “give us a call as soon as your license arrives and you’ll be sorted”

And my driver assessment for Wincanton is still on the cards, assuming I get my license through. If I am accepted it should be a long term contract, hours to suit, so that would be nice…

So if you’re like me and struggling for work perhaps the tide has turned…

The Christmas rush is starting now Steve and should be busy until then. Dying off January/Febuary and picking up around March :wink: . Fingers crossed, they’ll keep me in work :confused: .

Yes, I guessed that was the case… bit late in the day though ?

That’s the reason I’m still going for the driver assesment, should see me through the newyear. Agency claims I could retire with 'em… not that I’d want to.