Is WTD costing YOU?

Talking to one of the lads from DHL Containers, and he reckons that the WTD implimentation is costing him serious money, and that he is now on basic pay, which is no use whatsoever. He had a chat with a TNT class2 driver who reckons he is £180.00/week down, with Saturday working stopped altogether.
How is it affecting you??
Remember that people from outside of our circle are supposed to read this, so keep it clean and factual. They MIGHT (and pigs might fly) take serious notice. :confused: :confused: :confused:

£50 a week after tax. its cost me a holiday now too. cant afford it on this money :frowning:

Not as yet, but then we are on on a day rate. But give it a time and no doubt the voices from above will find some way of [zb] us.

If it needs stars, it’s not allowed. Lib.

How on earth is a container driver losing money? So much of their working week can be counted as PoAs that there’s probably more time spent on PoAs/break than there is actually working.

Seriously, its about time employers got to grips with it and drivers started using their brains a bit too.

The WTD has been so watered down with the PoAs that it makes next to no difference to most people. I seriously wonder whether these people on jobs like containers who are shouting the odds about losing £100+ a week actually have a grasp of what PoAs are.

earn more money and do less hours …

a lot of people a while ago albeit too late to say now , should have stopped rollocking all the overtime in and learnt to live on what the wtd in there current job was going to pay them …and if it wasnt enough then do some job searching and find something that is enough …
it seems a lot of people have worked to the rule of overtime being a nessacity rather than something extra now and again …

my tuppence worth

According to my interpretation of the law, the POA has a lot to do with hrs paid, my POA is currently 3hrs a day coupled with a 1 1/4 hr lunch, I think I’m pretty lucky, I seem to be getting paid more, for not doing much at all :smiley:

WTD is costing me nothing ,because we have negotiated with manangement so that it doesnt cost anything,Then again i am in a union (and rep) ,everyone at our depot are satisfied at what we have achieved.
It speaks for itself join a union.

at our depot of dhl freight ( mossend) we are getting paid for poa and this will include all dhl freight for dhl containers then sorry that lot had a chance along with the other logistic drivers to join the same union as us.but they decided not to due to them getting plenty of miles per day and did not want to go onto hourly rates with a better basic rate plus better overtime no sympathies for them.this is the only time they cry is when it starts hitting their own pockets,when it’s another driver with the same company it’s a case of sod you i’m ok. :wink: plus we are getting a 3.2% pay rise ( according to rumour control) :wink:

For me personally the WTD was the best thing to happen as now i cant be blackmailed into working for free anymore :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: Once the clowns who i subbie for pull there heads out of the sand and realise its the law and not just something they can ignore :open_mouth: :slight_smile:


use your imagination there are ways around everything

WTD, great!!! I’m on a 4 day week now, Fridays off, and I love it…

Yes, I lost a little money, but who cares, I dont…

Down to the driver :wink:

You can bet it is. My employer loves it. No overtime, few nights out. ■■■■■■
Going for broke and looking for another job.
Why is everyone accepting it?

Talk about I’m so clever and I’m all right jack! P.O.A. isn’t for all you nerk. Some of use drive max. load, return, load. Make POA out of that, if you can!!!

Talk about I’m so clever and I’m all right jack! P.O.A. isn’t for all you nerk. Some of use drive max. load, return, load. Make POA out of that, if you can!!!

So, are you worse off now Bluebot? You NEVER have any waiting time?

If you’re worse off, try to find another job, where you’ll be better off.

its costing me a fortune.
im getting 2 or 3 days off a week and all she wants to do is shop :wink:

Talk about I’m so clever and I’m all right jack! P.O.A. isn’t for all you nerk. Some of use drive max. load, return, load. Make POA out of that, if you can!!!

Quite easy. THe time you’re being loaded, unless you actually have to help with the loading, it counts as a poa. As well as that there’s the 45 minute breaks which don;t count. And then there’s the time waiting to get on a loading bay which can count as a poa. Hell, if the security guard isn’t at the gate and there’s a sign saying “On rounds. Back in 15 minutes”, that can count as a poa.

You can bet it is. My employer loves it. No overtime, few nights out. [zb]!
Going for broke and looking for another job.
Why is everyone accepting it?

Because for most drivers it makes no difference. Because for some drivers getting paid a decent wage, they only lose £30 a week net but drop an entire days work so are quids in. Most of the money you earn on that fifth day goes to the tax man.

I was pretty worried about the money - moreso as I’m about to get the keys to my first house.

Net result for me is about £60 a week less in income now we are on a salary but I’m down from 70+hours to around 50 even with breaks etc. Straight 5 nights rather than working overtime 2 sundays in 3 all the time. I’m still doing the same amount of actual work, just no need to hang the job out as before to get the money.

Having said that I will no longer have to pay £50-60 a week in petrol so I more or less break even

I am on salary so am not losing any money over WTD, what I am losing is time filling out the extra paperwork that the boss wants doing :imp: Due to the type of work I do and been on ferries, waiting on dock etc I am notching up 12 to 15 hours POA per week. The actual hours that I do hasn’t changed, it’s just the goalposts that have moved.