Is trucking a Way of life or Just a Job

Is driving trucks a way of life or just a job?

Iam 25years old and hold Class 2, Adr, FLT and hopefully do my class1 ASAP.
So what is the answer? I have been intrested in trucks all my life, as my father is a Contiental driver for over 30years and I have been on numerous occasions with him.

But since I was old enough to understand most drivers when they asked me what career path I would take in life my answer was “Class 1 driver like my dad”. Some of the replies were “you dont want to do that its a mugs game”. After my mum divorced with my dad for 10 years she said “Truck drivers scum of the earth”.

The coments didnt put me off one bit so my answer is “its in my Blood”
Call me sad but I love driving ok I swear if some bint cuts me up but hey when iam not driving trucks iam like a bear with a sore head.

So are we “scum of the earth” or a “mug”. I know the job has changed in the past 20 years but is there still people out there who thinks this is a way of life

A way of life or just a job?

Short answer - yes :smiley:

i think its a way of life. i love it. just doing it on the weekends at the mo but enjoy every minute of it.

much better than my normal job!

depends if you want to earn a wage, or go for the love of it
personnelly Im a wager, go, drive........ come back. minimum kit, zero spending of my cash on the truck, if it dont fit in my pocket/bag when I climb in/out of the truck it doesn`t go with me.

its a way of life for mate , even after all this time i love it , yeah its gutty sometimes , boring , lonely but for me i wouldnt swap it for the world . i think the good out wieghs the bad . i cant wait to get on that boat and get over the water . just my humble opinion but for me theres nothing like it

It’s a way of life. No question in my mind.

It’s not just a job. Many ‘normal’ people wouldn’t want the crazy hours most of us work for a start!!. I’m not moaning because I do enjoy my job and I actually quite like starting at 0300 in the morning. :stuck_out_tongue:

You either get it or you don’t. For me there is nothing I’d really want to be involved in than road transport. in one capacity or another. :wink:

Definatly a way of life sometimes you love it somtimes you hate it but it becomes such a big part of your life that it eventually becomes a way of life.

For me its in the blood…

Definitely a way of life.

When you spend 4/5 nights each week away from home it’s got to be.
Even more so for some of the continental boys who can spend weeks away.

Whether it’s just chilling out in the cab with a few cans after a hard day, or running in tandem with another Brit for company and a bit of security in the more murkier parts of Europe, or whether it’s bombing down the M5 to try to get a decent parking space in Upton on a thursday :smiley: it’s all a way of life when you live on the road.

And when you park up who else do you get to talk to apart from other Drivers? Where you talk ‘shop’ and curse RDC’s/traffic/health and safety/ferries etc.

It’s our way of life.

The hard part is adjusting to life with the missus and kids on the weekend!!!

definately a way of life,if you are thinking about it, try it, if you dont you will always wonder…
dont listen to anyone else but yourself…i think you’ve already made up you’re own mind here,maybe looking for a little justification in your decision…do it…
give it some time though,dont quit the first time something goes wrong…
just my opinion…
remember, trucks keep this world turning,be proud of that fact…

truck driving its a way of life if you want a good life with money try something else :laughing:

Definitely a way of life.

When you spend 4/5 nights each week away from home it’s got to be.
Even more so for some of the continental boys who can spend weeks away.

Whether it’s just chilling out in the cab with a few cans after a hard day, or running in tandem with another Brit for company and a bit of security in the more murkier parts of Europe, or whether it’s bombing down the M5 to try to get a decent parking space in Upton on a thursday :smiley: it’s all a way of life when you live on the road.

And when you park up who else do you get to talk to apart from other Drivers? Where you talk ‘shop’ and curse RDC’s/traffic/health and safety/ferries etc.

It’s our way of life.

The hard part is adjusting to life with the missus and kids on the weekend!!!

3 months in a wagon :laughing:

a way of life but its in the blood for those who had the privelege of going with their dad in the early days. now you cant with most firms cos of hse.
i started when i was 17 im now 55 and don’t regret 1 day of it and i have NEVER been out of work. i still get a lot of enjoyment from travelling all over the uk (and europe in my early days) and getting paid for it.
Just enjoy the job and when you wake up on morning and think i don’t want to go to work thats the day to start looking for a new career but so sure as you do i bet within 2/3 months you will want to drive a truck again.

Well I seem to be the odd one out, for me it’s a job, a very enjoyable job, but a job.

just a job for me like all the other jobs ive had

Monday early a.m. to Friday (hopefully) early p.m. it’s a way of life.

Friday early evening to Sunday late evening, it’s just a job.


i think if you are out for most of the week or longer its a way of life.But for me i dont do that anymore im home every day so its not the case for me.

The hard part is adjusting to life with the missus and kids on the weekend!!!

:rotflmao: - That’s just reminded me of an old pal from years ago.

He’s been driving (and tramping) since before I was pulling them along on a piece of string.

He told us that he’d go home on a Friday, do his duties, then kick his missus out, into the spare bed cos he just couldn’t sleep with someone next to him.

For me it is an enjoyable job, depending on the kind of work though. I don’t do silly hours and I don’t do nights out.

I’m in it for the wages i’ll be honest. If the wages got worse i wouldn’t do it.

Don’t get me wrong i enjoy driving trucks.

Some runs are great, espec up the west highlands and places like that, but some are really boring like trunking from Glasgow to the North West of England.

I have to admit when i was doing tramping work i could hack it in the winter, nothing much happening but in the summer got really jeolouse of my mates, being able to go out do stuff during the week, when i was stuck in a roasting hot truck trying to get some sleep in some service station which stank of pee.