Is this....

really just questions and answers?

Clcik Here

Looking for a book that will ask questions for my CPC exam. Got some test questions for the home study course I am taking but once you’ve done them once you sort of know the answers next time you read it.

Anyone thats used it have any comments?


Edited to shorten annoyingly long link

Never got past the first few pages cos I found it very heavy going :unamused:
I got a copy of this book as my “free cpc course”

From what I could tell, it is a lot more than questions and answers but more like a textbook you might use in a class room or home study course.
others might know different but from what I have seen, I wouldn’t spend the money on it if I already had a home study course. (repitition of what you already have)

I could be wrong cos, like I say, I only got a few pages into it!!!

Did you check the search inside feature? One of the few pages it shows is the contents page and may give you a better idea if it is what you are looking for.

really just questions and answers?

Clcik Here

Looking for a book that will ask questions for my CPC exam. Got some test questions for the home study course I am taking but once you’ve done them once you sort of know the answers next time you read it.

Anyone thats used it have any comments?


Edited to shorten annoyingly long link

I haven’t used that book, but you can get sample CPC questions from: (I’m not sure how to put links in so you might have to copy and paste this into your browser) edited by jonah 1 to create a link

OCR is the examining body for Nat. and Int. CPC so why not get it (for free) :wink: from the horse’s mouth. Perfectly legal as well! This is public information.

OCR’s site takes a bit of getting used to, :open_mouth: but there’s also the case study scenario- ONLY AVAILABLE TWO WEEKS BEFORE THE EXAM. People often misunderstand this, so here’s the explanation:

OCR publishes TWO scenarios, ONE of which WILL be used for the exam. You don’t get to see the questions but you can work out what’s likely to come, because of what info they give you. This followed complaints that exam time was lost, because the candidates had to spend time reading the scenario, before attempting the questions. So at least you’ve had the chance to familiarise yourself with the scenario. (Not a lot of people know that!)

As a tip, they usually use the scenario that’s the least complicated, but that’s only a rule of thumb :wink:

There might also be some past papers. Sometimes there are. There’s usually some past papers from the muti-choice questions as well. All of OCR’s stuff is downloadable as a .pdf to save and read at your leisure.

I’m not actively involved in the teaching of CPC any longer, but I used to teach both Nat. and Int. Personally, I think it’s too wooly, so I stick to ADR now, but each to his own eh?

Did you check the search inside feature? One of the few pages it shows is the contents page and may give you a better idea if it is what you are looking for.

Yep, although I’m really just looking for a “theory test” type book that is just lots and lots and lots of questions asked in different ways to test your knowledge of it.

I’m not actively involved in the teaching of CPC any longer, but I used to teach both Nat. and Int. Personally, I think it’s too wooly, so I stick to ADR now, but each to his own eh?

Cheers for the info. Yep, the CPC is wooley. I think I have an advantage as I did a lot of accounting at Uni so I am sorted for most of the finance bits of the CPC.

I’m only really looking to get this as a “feather in cap” for my main job which is designing warehouses, transport links, ITT bids etc.

Also plan on getting ADR and then to become a DGSA as its will be helpful for the contract work. So glad that I am VAT registered…