Is this why Calais is "broke, with a F " … osses.html

how on earth do these frog munchers run amok when they are supposed to be in the so called european union . maybe because they in same union as gendarmerie. another bunch of corrupt a…holes been in many hold ups over the years because of theese lazy mobs just what u want when u run up from spain /wherever trying to get home unbelievable. :imp:

if le pen gets her way in next years elections …she,ll get the crs to round them up n send them where they belong…wishfull thinking ive no time for the vermin thats there at all…or even still put them in stocks so we can hit them wiv fruit n veg as we pass through

UK drivers needs to strike like this over pay.

Image u block all road into london around m 25 for a week. ppl would start starving. :open_mouth: :smiling_imp:

Why? … my missus does her shopping 600 mile away from London :slight_smile:

if le pen gets her way in next years elections …she,ll get the crs to round them up n send them where they belong…wishfull thinking

Ironically the more and longer the situation goes on the more chance there is of her kicking out Hollande and smashing the whole European pro immigration agenda.