Is this the same ray

…from that well known show-biz family…? I think we should be told. I know that I felt very nauseous in his presence & my thumb seemed to be stuck to the mute button on the remote every time he appeared.V. Spooky! Has anyone else had these paranormal experiences ?

I know who the Munsters are but who the hell is the guy in the top photo?.

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: well spotted harry :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

You can’t be serious. Thats the famous Ray that has delighted his tiny-tot fans on X-Factor for the last six months…& thankfully came second at the sing-off last night. So hopefully thats the last we will see of the little scroat in the media ( Some Hopes!! ):lol:
He sang ,'My way ’ with all the maturity of a twelve year old that had squeezed his first zit. It was one of those moments when you had to be there ( Over&over again ) :cry: :cry:

OH X Factor?? sorry i was doing something a little less boring instead.

You should stay in more!! :laughing:

You should stay in more!! :laughing:

I was in I was washing whats left of my hair…

x factor was rubbish this year… a one horse face… im sorry a one horse race.

I watched the beginning of it before i went down the pub on Saturday nights, when they were doing the auditions.That was quite amusing, after that i never watched any more, when it got serious.

I didn’t even know it was on. :confused: :confused: :confused:

I didnt know itd just finished, seems a lifetime ago i was watching the auditions.