Is this overloaded or not

Na! There’s room for some apples!

mmmmmmmm apple sauce!

Overwide maybe. Noce tyre tread though - shame about the lights. :laughing:

Salut, David.

I like the holes in the netting for the porky snouts!!


I think he’s just an unlucky lobster fisherman, or the netted objects are really kites that he was flying around the Ravensthorpe Leeds area, close to Rob K’s house. :laughing:

Ho Lee ■■■ :open_mouth:

(The name of a chinese restaurant in Chelsea, honest!)

i could just eat a couple of bacon rolls :laughing:

Big Joe:
I think he’s just an unlucky lobster fisherman, or the netted objects are really kites that he was flying around the Ravensthorpe Leeds area, close to Rob K’s house. :laughing:
