Is this legal

Won’t name names.
Basically been.took off furlough few weeks ago.

Now company I work for has sub contracted us out to a bigger company.
Ie use out trucks basically working for them.

But my question is said compnay were subcontracted to has a lot of there drivers are on furlough. And don’t seem in a rush to bring them.back.
Surely places should.bring own staff back in 1st?

Perfectly legal. They’re hedging their bets; if the work isn’t there they just drop you, if they took their own drivers off furlough and the work wasn’t there they’d need to pay them their contracted hours.

Illegal no, immoral…■■?

legaly right…morally wrong

The same scenario is furloughing their drivers and bringing in adhoc agency drivers, a few days here, and a few days there.

My lot have been doing something similar as they couldn’t guarantee me 4 days work, so they gave the odd Friday and Saturday shifts to the ltd Co agency men.

The same scenario is furloughing their drivers and bringing in adhoc agency drivers, a few days here, and a few days there.

My lot have been doing something similar as they couldn’t guarantee me 4 days work, so they gave the odd Friday and Saturday shifts to the ltd Co agency men.

Same here - if they bring the regulars back there won’t be any work for us agency drivers. Most of us only get 1-3 shifts per week as it is, there’s just not enough to go around.

I won’t name but there a big national maybe global company…
There works there granted it’s all multodrop which I hate .
Must be coating them more to pay our firm than to take there own staff back on.
Plus if you’ve been furloughed you can go back on it again
Just doesnt make sense to me.
Personally I don’t wana be there but kind have no choice in a way

Same here - if they bring the regulars back there won’t be any work for us agency drivers. Most of us only get 1-3 shifts per week as it is, there’s just not enough to go around.

Of the 10 limpers who where furloughed from my agency, myself and another guy are allegedly the last two to be un-furloughed, I`m due to return next week for 4 shifts. So apart from the new pay rate, I doubt there will be a significant change in my income compared to the 4 days pay I was receiving while furloughed, unless I can do some longer shifts.

Just doesnt make sense to me.
Personally I don’t wana be there but kind have no choice in a way

I suspect your boss will be doing the subby work for pennies, just to get the firm up and running. Hopefully then he`ll be in a position to be ready to re-start the old work

Just doesnt make sense to me.

Guess you didn’t think very much about it.

For an employer to be reimbursed furlough from the government the employee has to be off work for 3 weeks. Therefore if they bring in their own employees to cover a few days work then they don’t get that furlough money reimbursed. It is much cheaper for them to use agency or subbies to meet temporary demand.