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Applicants must have a valid passport and proof of National Insurance Number either
Card, P45 or P60. Applicants must have been resident in the UK for the last five years,
with checkable references to apply. No travel documents.

Not too sure why you would need the passport, Maybe they don’t let you off of the planes, or do you have to clean them whilst they are in the air■■?


Applicants must have a valid passport and proof of National Insurance Number either
Card, P45 or P60. Applicants must have been resident in the UK for the last five years,
with checkable references to apply. No travel documents.

Not too sure why you would need the passport, Maybe they don’t let you off of the planes, or do you have to clean them whilst they are in the air■■?

random guess (really) but I think the aircraft counts as foreign soil when onboard if it’s registered to a foreign land?

not sure.

plus if you’re airside and accidentally get taken on a trip you don’t want to be jailed at the other end :smiley:

Earn up to £275 per week

Wow!!! :unamused:


Applicants must have a valid passport and proof of National Insurance Number either
Card, P45 or P60. Applicants must have been resident in the UK for the last five years,
with checkable references to apply. No travel documents.

Not too sure why you would need the passport, Maybe they don’t let you off of the planes, or do you have to clean them whilst they are in the air■■?

I think its just to prove you are a british citizen, which also explains why you need proof of NI number. I have heard of other companies (not airline related) adopting this policy.

Mrpj is spot on! Its proof you’re resident in this country and therefore entitled to work here. Proof of NI Number (NINO) is required as foreign workers are issued a temporary NINO (usually beginning with “TN”, followed by your date of birth) whilst waiting for their application to work in this country to be finalised - some unscrupulous individuals will use another person’s NINO to gain work and remain concealed from Immigration.

more and more people are asking for a passport these days. i dont know why considering the amount of non brits we have running around. i dont have a passport but at least i can speak english :confused: