Is this a legal shift pattern?

Hi Guys,
Just looking for some advice.
Im trying to balance my hours with child care and other half is a shift worker.

So my question is: can I do a Monday night finishing Tuesday morning then do Wednesday, Thursday, Friday as day shifts? I can’t see a problem as I’d have at least 11 hrs rest between Tuesday and starting Wednesday and I’d get my weekly rest in as far as I can see.

Thanks for looking.

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Yes, no problem there at all.

I wouldn’t recommend it for health reasons but yes as long as you have minimum 9 hours off between the night shift and day shift it’s legal.

You’re getting the 45 hours off at the weekend and 11 off daily, but suspect you’d find this hard work.

I do nights and have done for nearly 2 years, but its very hard to switch from nights to days or vis versa. Could be a bit risky for the Monday night unless you’re used to moving back and forth.

Only advice i could offer would be get up Monday daytime, then go back to bed for a couple of hours before food etc. Helps reset the body clock or convince your brain its not done 24 hours straight (have done worse occasionally).

As above its legal but I can tell you as someone who has worked days and nights in the same week that you’ll feel like utter crap, even if you do it regularly. If you want a sleep disorder this is the way to go. I’d personally ditch the Monday, the extra money ain’t worth it.

Bit easier when you are younger as well. I went for a week once twenty years ago without much sleep, maybe couple of hours every 24.

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As above its legal but I can tell you as someone who has worked days and nights in the same week that you’ll feel like utter crap, even if you do it regularly. If you want a sleep disorder this is the way to go. I’d personally ditch the Monday, the extra money ain’t worth it.

This is true. I’ve had a mild sleeping disorder recently which I still ended up seeing a doctor for and it’s not pleasant, especially when it’s always in the back of your mind about the gp having to notify dvla and what the possible implications of that are.

It is legal but you wont enjoy it.
I did a 2 days, 2 nights, 4 off pattern. I really struggled with sleep and ended up switching to all nights after only a few weeks.

It is legal but you wont enjoy it.
I did a 2 days, 2 nights, 4 off pattern. I really struggled with sleep and ended up switching to all nights after only a few weeks.

The brewery forklift drivers in Magor are on that shift pattern. When I did a lot of shunting there (4 days on 4 days off), they asked if I (and the other shunters of course) was willing to change to that schedule , to align us with the brewery shifts.
I just laughed. I asked, just out of curiosity, if we would get paid extra, for the health implications, and loss of at least half a day of the 4 days off. They looked at me as if I had lost my mind.
I still laughed the next day when I handed my notice in.

Funnily, they offered a tenner a day extra, if I would reconsider …

I still laughed on my way out off the gate…

2 days, 2 nights, 4 off has to be up there with the latest “we don’t give a fxxk about you drive” weezer, of 6 on, 2 off.

JON :slight_smile::
Hi Guys,
Just looking for some advice.
Im trying to balance my hours with child care and other half is a shift worker.

So my question is: can I do a Monday night finishing Tuesday morning then do Wednesday, Thursday, Friday as day shifts? I can’t see a problem as I’d have at least 11 hrs rest between Tuesday and starting Wednesday and I’d get my weekly rest in as far as I can see.

Thanks for looking.

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Yep fully legal nice don’t take any notice of the wooseys that’s easy done worse than that for years