Is thi legal

Been working through an agency in a company regularily for over a year until last week when we went our separate ways (that’s another story). Anyway to cut a long story short about 5 weeks ago i accidentaly reduced my rest four times in one week and only noticed when filling in my timesheet on the sunday night. to cover myself i printed out a copy of my digi card for that day and explained the circumstances on the reverse and handed it to my agency. I was paid for the entire shift and assumed that to be the end of the matter. However I received a phone call from my old agency yesterday advising me that the company was going to deduct the payment (2 hours at sunday rates) as otherwise they could be seen to be condoning my actions. Is this legal or have I simply given this company 2 hours of my labour for free. any advice gratefully received. By the way i have nothing to lose in pursuing this as i am no longer with that agency or the company concerned

Surely this would come under “unauthorised deductions” :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

They are telling you a lie, and they cannot stop your money like that. If they don’t want to be seen to be condoning your actions they can give you a written reprimand and get you to sign an infringement form. They will probably play on the fact that you have made a misdemeanor and will not want to cause a fuss incase you get into trouble over it. Tell them if they don’t pay you the money then you will happily take them to the small claims court for it. See how you go on from there. I would put it in writing and then back it up with a phone call, sometimes just phoning gets you knowwhere. When you take the time to write a letter, they tend to think you are taking it seriously.

if you broke the rules :question: they will not pay you had it with mcpheresons wanted 83 hours paid they would pay 79 which at the time was the legal limit few years ago so prove it not you vosa :laughing:(ok 78 hours) :laughing: :blush:

Did they allocate the work to you knowing you would be illegal?

When you were allocated this work did you tell them that you would be illegal?

Your answers will determine wether it’s worth persuing?


They are pulling a fast one :imp: - pursue it if I was you. Good luck.