Just sat in the office in Sketchley Meadows (Hinckley) and heard a whining artic roll past, thought at first there was something wrong with it. Then it went past again, same sound. No diesel engine sound, do they come in electric? Is this a prototype? Didn’t get a real look at it but didn’t seem out of the ordinary.
I don’t think there’s any full electric artic LGV’s in active service,I simply don’t think they would be powerful enough. There’s plenty of hybrid busses and rigids which are all gutless (so ive heard), but an electric truck grossing at 44t? (for example) Nah, it would burn up all its charge within an hour!
Warburtons at Enfield have a couple of electric vans but never heard of anything bigger being electric. I would have doubted if there’d be enough torque.
Could possibly be a hybrid, running in electric mode. No production hybrid tractors in Europe yet that I know of, but they will come. the biggest production hybrid truck currently in the UK is the Fuso
Saw a prototype Renault hybrid tractor unit using capacitors rather than batteries many (15?) years ago …that technology is now Volvo Group property.
Hybrids tend to use electric traction for pulling away, then the diesel engine chimes in. There are production full-size hybrid buses in daily use in the UK, so the technology is workable.