Last week I got fed up of waiting for the agency to give me work, so I decided to call up another one. They said “come in and sign up with us”, so I decided to do just that.
Friday morning, just as I was about to go in the shower before going over there, my existing agency calls up and offers me a run. So, I can’t go visit the new agency yet.
Monday I’m already busy.
Tuesday I wake up with a very dodgy stomach (food poisoning), and I decide that I won’t make a good impression if I’m running off to the loo every 10 minutes…
So, today I decide that I’m going to go over there. I get on my bike, and about 1 mile from home my rear wheel runs out of grip on a very greasy roundabout . I hit the deck, and fortunately no-one hits me. One visit to A&E later, and my arm’s in a big cast, as I’ve broken my elbow.
So, do you think someone’s trying to tell me something?