Hi so thinking of doinh my class 2 hgv is there many full time jobs in northern England ?
I would love to work for whitbread or marston as a drayman how likely is this ?
Hi so thinking of doinh my class 2 hgv is there many full time jobs in northern England ?
I would love to work for whitbread or marston as a drayman how likely is this ?
Check the job websites and see how many non-agency jobs there are in your area
That should give you some idea
Best bet is to contact them and ask. The job situation seems to vary widely according to location.
Marstons are mostly Midlands aren’t they? I know the a brewery and head office is Wolverhampton. I know there beer pretty well too! If you do become a drayman feel free to drop a barrel or two at my home.
Also I don’t think Whitbread self supply do they? They’ll use brakes or similar to supply there pubs n stuff.
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