Picture the scene. It’s half 5 in the a.m. and I’m happily going about my business on the southbound stretch of the M1 near Luton.
No doubt you’re all aware this is a 4 lane motorway.
So I’m in lane 3, making good progress whilst overtaking 2 other wagons.
Much to my chagrin some irritable car driver is in lane 4 and giving it large on the old horn.
Naturally he gets a honk in return and a flash back and then he’s gesturing with his arm that I should be over to the left.
Bloody numpty.
Admittedly it’s a fairly dull post but it just serves as an example as to how impatient and unfriendly the general motoring public has seemingly become.
Half five and you’re getting grief - good start to the day
But they know best, they know how to drive better than anyone, they know all the laws and speed limits, they have good forward planning and excellent spacial awareness, they know the exact dimensions of their vehicle and all round are brilliant drivers who will never cause other road users to adjust from their incompetence… It should all just go on rail anyway.
What was you doing there ?
It was obviously his Road, what a nerve us ‘Bloody Truck Drivers’ they should ban us all.
I do hope you Full Beamed him, just to make his day !
Bet he’ll tell his Mummy tonight as well.