Is it me?

Bought a pair of trainers today,noticed on the box it stated “average contents 2” :
Retro Pumas btw. . . as if that makes a difference.

Shoes made in Portugal used to be loaded in seperate trailer loads.
One trailer had only left shoes ,the other trailer had right shoes and travel seperatly to combat theft.

mabey they were heading out to be sold to all thm landmine victims that Diana used to have as pets…I can see them now with balaclavas and shotguns doing an armed robbery on the shoe truck hopping around on 1 leg… :smiling_imp:

One robber says to the other “You take the left shoe truck,i will take the right.”
The other robber says “Right”.
No,left i said .We need matching pairs.

One robber says to the other “You take the left shoe truck,i will take the right.”
The other robber says “Right”.
No,left i said .We need matching pairs.

class :smiley:

Let us hope the shoe robbers are wearing Hush Puppies so not to wake the driver up.

One robber says to the other “You take the left shoe truck,i will take the right.”
The other robber says “Right”.
No,left i said .We need matching pairs.

lol :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

no doubt you have all heard it before■■? ITneeds to be there mate, yeah all well and good but most firms dont give us the time to strap, anyone else think this?

The three legs of man! (I.O.M) Lol :laughing: :laughing:
Meaning Isle of Man ! Just incase of miss inturpritation :open_mouth: