Is It Just Me?....

…or have attitudes and driving standards dropped in the last few years?

Example 1; I drive an artic car transporter (as some already know), and as such, I’m required to deliver and collect cars from dealerships. Why is it then, that when I’m parked at the side of the road outside such dealerships, delivering motors, that most drivers either peep their horns angrily or shout abuse or think that driving really really close to me is a safe and responsible way to drive when I’m taking the straps off down the side of the trailer? This happens every day and it’s not just non-professionals either…other truckers are sometimes even worse than car drivers! All this because they have to wait a few seconds to get round my truck.

Example 2; Arses in cars and vans who deliberately dive into your braking space at the very last second just to gain that extra place in the traffic or to get off the motorway at a junction. What makes them think that gaining that extra place or few seconds is worth risking everything for?

It doesn’t wind me up and I don’t get road rage, but I am intrigued as to what goes through peoples minds when they behave like this. Absolutely none of them would consider a physical confrontation outside the safety of their little tin boxes, so why do they think cutting up big trucks is OK and safe for them?

I had all the “red mist” and competitiveness trained out of me in the police (Traffic Dept) some years ago, but it seems alot of drivers are still intent on becoming dead under the wheels of a 44 tonner. Amazing.


in my opinion it boils down to two types of people

  1. the type of person who simply doesnt understand how trucks work, how heavy they are, how long it takes them to stop and how long it takes them to get going, it should be part of the car test how to share the road with heavy vehicles

  2. the type of person who is going where theyre going and ■■■■■■■■ to everyone else on the road

even more common is the combination of the two types

quite often im tempted to keep her lit when someone dives in front of me, but of course im a “proffessional” driver so thats just not cricket is it :unamused:

No, not just you - But have a go at being a driving instructor for real fun

You are the enemy on the road, to be cut up,driven close to, abused - sometimes all at the same time :slight_smile:

Having moved to driving trucks it is a case of ‘out of the frying pan…’

I must be a sucker for punishment :slight_smile:

yep i agree with u mate…

but what realy gets my red mist up is car drivers cutting from lane 3 to slip road in a short time period, thinking its fun to cut us/me up…i go mad…


Goes with the territory,

Ive always thought its an extention to “small man syndrome” where a short guy have lots of attitude to “make up” for his lack of height compared to other guys- in his mind he feels inferior and builds up a complex about it all.

Put a guy into a car and when up against a HGV he feels intimidated, he needs to prove a point, yeah hes the little guy but hes the boss. Cut up the lorry, show em whos in charge. Its the male brain- thats my theory anyway. It doesnt apply to every male on the road, but certainly applies to some.


They are so wrapped up in there own selfish,ignorant,arrogant self obsessed material world that they fail to think of other people and the possible effects of a 44 tonne truck hitting and flattening their car…they’re Invincible afterall :unamused:
Its the BRITISH way now ,the IM more important than YOU attitude and im gonna push in…It ■■■■■ me off,sometimes more than others.I try not to let it affect me.
One day I’ll flip,buy a shotgun and SHOOT THEM ALL. :sunglasses: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

…but isnt it great when you see a courteous car/van driver. Flashes you out when you want to overtake, waves thankyou when you flash your headlights in appreciation, understands how much road you need to use and acts accordingly. Not all drivers on the road are bad, some are really quite good.

…but isnt it great when you see a courteous car/van driver. Flashes you out when you want to overtake, waves thankyou when you flash your headlights in appreciation, understands how much road you need to use and acts accordingly. Not all drivers on the road are bad, some are really quite good.

Very True,and I always make a big point of saying thanks when it happens.
I like people with courtesy and manners.(very rare though)
a wave and a smile of thanks can make a bad day better sometimes. :wink:

its the way our “where there’s blame there’s a claim” society is nowadays. Why shouldn’t they cut in front of a truck? If there’s an accident the chances are the trucks insurance will settle out of court!
Tonite there was a white van weaving between lanes on the m62 so i backed off a little bit only to have 2 cars pull into the space.

Fit one of those new accident video cameras on your windscreen and just hit them…easy.