Is it just me......

Abit like the ■■■■ who was parked opposite the gate i had to reverse into the other day. I was second in queue. The first driver was struggling to get it in but being the nice person i am i was his banksman. The prat still sat there and could of easily moved forward.

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Why you calling me fat. That i am not.

it is weird that with age its the little things that annoy . talking of boiling your P iss its most likely that Because you mentioned the word/phrase while you sit there moaning you are actually REEKING of ■■■■ but those close to you never tell you.

^^^ such a shame when cousins marry.

the maoster:
Had me one of them wife things once. Nice girl, cracking housekeeper.

Well, she kept mine! :imp:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

the maoster:

Can`t be that bad, you have GF instead of a wife!

Had me one of them wife things once. Nice girl, cracking housekeeper.

Well, she kept mine! :imp:

That made me laugh, although it really shouldn’t have

the maoster:
… who gets annoyed by little things like this? Not really my concern but the sheer ignorance and “screw you Jack, I’m alright” attitude really boils my ■■■■. Parking bays to my right that every other lorry has managed to get into, then you get this fat waste of space who parks across the bays. 6 parking slots unusable because he’s not capable or just pig ignorant :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

Not just you Brother.

I can’t stand these imbeciles, I pity their microscopic brains.

I try and block clowns like this to make life as difficult at possible for them.

Even at Amazon Coventry (when on time and going straight in) when I walk to the gate I park properly as not to cause problems for other driver.

Worst is at services. The number of times I’ve had my life made more difficult because of some idiot. I just get out and tell them to move now. I’m not big or hard but if a rubbish driver like me can reverse between two artics anyone else can.