Is it busy with Agency Work in the UK

Just wondered ifv fellow agy drivers were finding it any easier to find work this time of year. :sunglasses:

This is peak season for agency work. Are you struggling where you are?

Loads of work round here in W Yorks. Phone never stops ringing :angry: .

This is peak season for agency work. Are you struggling where you are?

No been turning it down for a change Tartan…just got a 15 week spell booked in …and got an interview in two weeks for perm job. but i kinda like this self employed thing…can turn it down if it don’t suit…I am getting calls from all those that i was chasing when it was quiet…

Just wondered :smiley:

Funny thing is rates seem to be going again :laughing: :laughing:

I don’t know how long you’ve been at it coder but the kipper season is just after Christmas. The trick is to either get on supermarket work in the run up to Christmas and you’ve a fair chance of the work continuing. Or, take a job just before the New Year and run with that till the agency picks up. That’s been my strategy in the past but I’m sure Rob will know how things stand in your neck of the woods better than me… :wink:

I don’t know how long you’ve been at it coder but the kipper season is just after Christmas. The trick is to either get on supermarket work in the run up to Christmas and you’ve a fair chance of the work continuing. Or, take a job just before the New Year and run with that till the agency picks up. That’s been my strategy in the past but I’m sure Rob will know how things stand in your neck of the woods better than me… :wink:

Gotcha mate :wink:

I’m about the busiest I’ve ever been. I’ve only had one weekend since the convoy where I’ve been available for work but the agency didn’t have any. The following weekend they called me and offered work even though I’d told them I wasn’t available :unamused:

I’ve worked the last 4 weekends in a row; I did a shift for Next yesterday, and I assumed that I’d have to have next weekend off completely as compensation for doing Asda 3 weekends ago, but I finished early enough (2:15pm from a 6am start) to squeeze in the compensation on a reduced daily rest before starting work on Monday, so I can work next weekend as well :wink:

Oh, and my load? Two pallets. One loaded to about shoulder height, one to about knee height. Total weight under 1/4 tonne. Well worth sending an 18t rigid to Southampton… :unamused:

I don’t know how long you’ve been at it coder but the kipper season is just after Christmas.

Even I’d worked that one out.

I thought you were supposed to be an old hand, thecoder0? :wink: :laughing:

I’m about the busiest I’ve ever been. I’ve only had one weekend since the convoy where I’ve been available for work but the agency didn’t have any. The following weekend they called me and offered work even though I’d told them I wasn’t available :unamused:

I’ve worked the last 4 weekends in a row; I did a shift for Next yesterday, and I assumed that I’d have to have next weekend off completely as compensation for doing Asda 3 weekends ago, but I finished early enough (2:15pm from a 6am start) to squeeze in the compensation on a reduced daily rest before starting work on Monday, so I can work next weekend as well :wink:

Oh, and my load? Two pallets. One loaded to about shoulder height, one to about knee height. Total weight under 1/4 tonne. Well worth sending an 18t rigid to Southampton… :unamused:

I don’t know how long you’ve been at it coder but the kipper season is just after Christmas.

Even I’d worked that one out.

I thought you were supposed to be an old hand, thecoder0? :wink: :laughing:

Never too old or experienced to learn Mr Fibble :wink: :wink:

Can’t stand Kippers …anyhow I have reason for asking mate…

hope your well…take it easy :laughing:

Never too old or experienced to learn Mr Fibble :wink: :wink:

Can’t stand Kippers …anyhow I have reason for asking mate…

I had assumed that tartanraider was meaning the quiet period; now I’m starting to wonder if he really did mean kippers… :blush:

hope your well…take it easy :laughing:

Well, last Sunday was an absolute nightmare - I was absolutely knackered after all that unloading :laughing: