Is David Camoron a (zb)?

Is David Camoron a (zb) ? just a follow on to the Corbyn (zb) topic. :unamused: :confused:

In a word…Yes.

He’s a complete ■■■■■■

do u really think the other muppet would be better our country would be on its knees in a few yrs with that out of date p…t in charge most the people on here just slag of whoever is in power the man runs our country ffs what is it about the british slagging thereselves of never change neva mind :unamused:

I agree.He’s got more reverses than a WW2 Italian tank.The only forward gear he has is the one he’ll use to get into Brussels at the end of this “goverenment” :cry: 900x20

Not another thread to start “CF” off, I blame Bewick for starting all this :smiley: :smiley:

Farage is the only credible PM,at this time,who is even close to who/what we need to be running the place.

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: i truly worry for this country with those opinions glad

He is the best of a really bad lot and only in the position due to the extremely poor alternatives available and considering what we have as up coming MPs he could be in power for a long time if he wanted too, but he has already said he will be stepping down after he has completed this term in office

cheers Johnnie :wink:

I’m one of the 63% of voters who didn’t vote for this out of touch spawn of thatcher
We’ll have nothing left in this country when he hopefully steps down
He’d have sold the lot off
Took us into yet another war with not a cat in hells chance of winning
He’s let more immigrants in than the traitors Blair and Brown did
I’ve never voted conservative never will do
It’s funny how no mass redundancies were announced before he hoodwinked the Murdoch reading public with his lies and deceit in to bringing him in to power
I’ve never met anyone yet who said they voted for him so how did they get in ?

Not by me, I’ve never voted in my life, never watch the news or read the paper’s, ignorance is bliss!

He’s just another clone from the public school, Oxbridge factory, little different from any of the others, devoid of any genuine beliefs or principles and sold to the highest bidder.

What’s truly frightening is how many of our people voted for him and for continuation down the same ruinous road as set by Blair, his mentor.

Cameron & Osborne have recently instigated Phase Two of the Thatcher plan to get rid of Social Housing. Thousands of redundancies across the country with even more to come.
But then, of course, nobody in Whitehall or Westminster will ever be in need of Social Housing. :angry:

‘Dave’ is my local MP, seen him in the Co-op in our Village a few times, he lives in the next Village 5 mins away from me, & he has got a lovely house :wink: . Regards Chris

I believe that the tory,s were only elected by default as the English did not want any type of coalition government which would include the SNP.

We have to remember that politicians like the police force only reflect the society which we live in

cheers Johnnie

Well here we go again, having voted for Mr Cameron I must say I am disappointed as when you are elected on a stand alone basis I did expect some immediate action and that has not been forthcoming. Me in his place for five years get the business done and dusted and over with in the first three months. after all your in for five years and he does not want to serve another term as he has stated that already so you shoot to kill not ■■■■■ foot about then you are a either a martyr or another blundering disaster which is the norm nowadays who ever is in the hot seat.
Like many of the contributors on TNUK who over the years have run successful companies you do what you have to do when you need too, that way you survived as it was your own wealth and livelihood that depended on it, on the other hand Mr Cameron is not spending his own money and if he fails he does not suffer and it just gets handed on to the next hopeful.
Bring back Maggie Thatcher or her like is what this country needs, knowing you all don’t agree at least she did what was stated on the tin. All right she did not get it all right but at least she had balls which is more than can be said of most of todays politicians.
Awaiting the flack, cheers Buzzer.

Well here we go again, having voted for Mr Cameron I must say I am disappointed as when you are elected on a stand alone basis I did expect some immediate action and that has not been forthcoming. Me in his place for five years get the business done and dusted and over with in the first three months. after all your in for five years and he does not want to serve another term as he has stated that already so you shoot to kill not ■■■■■ foot about then you are a either a martyr or another blundering disaster which is the norm nowadays who ever is in the hot seat.
Like many of the contributors on TNUK who over the years have run successful companies you do what you have to do when you need too, that way you survived as it was your own wealth and livelihood that depended on it, on the other hand Mr Cameron is not spending his own money and if he fails he does not suffer and it just gets handed on to the next hopeful.
Bring back Maggie Thatcher or her like is what this country needs, knowing you all don’t agree at least she did what was stated on the tin. All right she did not get it all right but at least she had balls which is more than can be said of most of todays politicians.
Awaiting the flack, cheers Buzzer.

Flack what flack ,I voted for him ,and yes bring her back ,dog eat dog .

There’s some folk on here with very short memories
Oh I forgot there was quite a few hauliers on here who did very well out of Thatcher

NO No flak at all well said that man, as I have said in previous post concerning politics Mrs Thatcher was good for us all ,yes workers straightened all the commies out ,all the reds in the docks ,car factories ,steel works .mines, holding us to ransom, she did that, and if you ■■■-hoo what I have said then you have never ever, been made to go on strike through some else believe.


There’s some folk on here with very short memories
Oh I forgot there was quite a few hauliers on here who did very well out of Thatcher

Not seen the meeks on here m8 !